From 3411bd948860c3478f15f1c6c31a86ad88ee32be Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Micah Cowan Date: Thu, 3 Sep 2009 09:40:59 -0700 Subject: [PATCH 1/1] Use stamp-po mechanism, and update to gettext-0.17. --- .hgignore | 2 - ABOUT-NLS | 1169 +++++++++++++-------------- ChangeLog | 11 + config.rpath | 102 ++- | 2 +- m4/gettext.m4 | 42 +- m4/iconv.m4 | 87 +- m4/lib-link.m4 | 189 +++-- m4/po.m4 | 25 +- po/ | 70 +- po/stamp-po | 1 + po/wget.pot | 1974 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ src/ChangeLog | 2 + src/gettext.h | 26 +- 14 files changed, 2933 insertions(+), 769 deletions(-) create mode 100644 po/stamp-po create mode 100644 po/wget.pot diff --git a/.hgignore b/.hgignore index c7cac261..a3ba3315 100644 --- a/.hgignore +++ b/.hgignore @@ -68,9 +68,7 @@ doc/ doc/version.texi po/POTFILES po/*.gmo -po/wget.pot po/remove-potcdate.sed -po/stamp-po po/en@boldquot.insert-header po/en@quot.insert-header po/en@boldquot.po diff --git a/ABOUT-NLS b/ABOUT-NLS index 30b81e1a..83bc72ec 100644 --- a/ABOUT-NLS +++ b/ABOUT-NLS @@ -1,7 +1,3 @@ -*** NOTE: Wget packages do not have gettext included; passages in -the text below that describe how to configure with ---with-included-gettext do _not_ apply. *** - 1 Notes on the Free Translation Project *************************************** @@ -105,8 +101,11 @@ codes, stating which languages are allowed. As a user, if your language has been installed for this package, you only have to set the `LANG' environment variable to the appropriate -`LL_CC' combination. Here `LL' is an ISO 639 two-letter language code, -and `CC' is an ISO 3166 two-letter country code. For example, let's +`LL_CC' combination. If you happen to have the `LC_ALL' or some other +`LC_xxx' environment variables set, you should unset them before +setting `LANG', otherwise the setting of `LANG' will not have the +desired effect. Here `LL' is an ISO 639 two-letter language code, and +`CC' is an ISO 3166 two-letter country code. For example, let's suppose that you speak German and live in Germany. At the shell prompt, merely execute `setenv LANG de_DE' (in `csh'), `export LANG; LANG=de_DE' (in `sh') or `export LANG=de_DE' (in `bash'). @@ -157,8 +156,7 @@ people who like their own language and write it well, and who are also able to synergize with other translators speaking the same language. Each translation team has its own mailing list. The up-to-date list of teams can be found at the Free Translation Project's homepage, -`', in the "National teams" -area. +`', in the "Teams" area. If you'd like to volunteer to _work_ at translating messages, you should become a member of the translating team for your own language. @@ -172,8 +170,8 @@ message to `', having this message body: _actively_ in translations, or at solving translational difficulties, rather than merely lurking around. If your team does not exist yet and you want to start one, or if you are unsure about what to do or how to -get started, please write to `' to reach the -coordinator for all translator teams. +get started, please write to `' to +reach the coordinator for all translator teams. The English team is special. It works at improving and uniformizing the terminology in use. Proven linguistic skills are praised more than @@ -183,67 +181,62 @@ programming skills, here. ====================== Languages are not equally supported in all packages. The following -matrix shows the current state of internationalization, as of October -2006. The matrix shows, in regard of each package, for which languages +matrix shows the current state of internationalization, as of November +2007. The matrix shows, in regard of each package, for which languages PO files have been submitted to translation coordination, with a translation percentage of at least 50%. Ready PO files af am ar az be bg bs ca cs cy da de el en en_GB eo +----------------------------------------------------+ - GNUnet | [] | + Compendium | [] [] [] [] | a2ps | [] [] [] [] [] | aegis | () | ant-phone | () | anubis | [] | ap-utils | | aspell | [] [] [] [] [] | - bash | [] [] [] | - batchelor | [] | + bash | [] | bfd | | bibshelf | [] | - binutils | [] | + binutils | | bison | [] [] | - bison-runtime | | + bison-runtime | [] | bluez-pin | [] [] [] [] [] | cflow | [] | - clisp | [] [] | + clisp | [] [] [] | console-tools | [] [] | - coreutils | [] [] [] | + coreutils | [] [] [] [] | cpio | | cpplib | [] [] [] | cryptonit | [] | - darkstat | [] () [] | - dialog | [] [] [] [] [] [] | + dialog | | diffutils | [] [] [] [] [] [] | doodle | [] | e2fsprogs | [] [] | enscript | [] [] [] [] | - error | [] [] [] [] | - fetchmail | [] [] () [] | - fileutils | [] [] | - findutils | [] [] [] | + fetchmail | [] [] () [] [] | + findutils | [] | + findutils_stable | [] [] [] | flex | [] [] [] | - fslint | [] | + fslint | | gas | | gawk | [] [] [] | - gbiff | [] | gcal | [] | gcc | [] | gettext-examples | [] [] [] [] [] | gettext-runtime | [] [] [] [] [] | gettext-tools | [] [] | - gimp-print | [] [] [] [] | gip | [] | - gliv | [] | + gliv | [] [] | glunarclock | [] | gmult | [] [] | gnubiff | () | - gnucash | () () [] | - gnucash-glossary | [] () | + gnucash | [] [] () () [] | gnuedu | | - gnulib | [] [] [] [] [] [] | + gnulib | [] | + gnunet | | gnunet-gtk | | - gnutls | | + gnutls | [] | gpe-aerial | [] [] | gpe-beam | [] [] | gpe-calendar | | @@ -264,40 +257,43 @@ translation percentage of at least 50%. gpe-todo | | gphoto2 | [] [] [] [] | gprof | [] [] | - gpsdrive | () () | + gpsdrive | | gramadoir | [] [] | - grep | [] [] [] [] [] [] | - gretl | | + grep | [] [] | + gretl | () | gsasl | | gss | | - gst-plugins | [] [] [] [] | - gst-plugins-base | [] [] [] | - gst-plugins-good | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | + gst-plugins-bad | [] [] | + gst-plugins-base | [] [] | + gst-plugins-good | [] [] [] | + gst-plugins-ugly | [] [] | gstreamer | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | gtick | () | - gtkam | [] [] [] | + gtkam | [] [] [] [] | gtkorphan | [] [] | gtkspell | [] [] [] [] | gutenprint | [] | hello | [] [] [] [] [] | - id-utils | [] [] | - impost | | - indent | [] [] [] | - iso_3166 | [] [] | + herrie | [] | + hylafax | | + idutils | [] [] | + indent | [] [] [] [] | + iso_15924 | | + iso_3166 | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | iso_3166_2 | | - iso_4217 | [] | - iso_639 | [] [] | + iso_4217 | [] [] [] | + iso_639 | [] [] [] [] | jpilot | [] | jtag | | jwhois | | kbd | [] [] [] [] | - keytouch | | - keytouch-editor | | - keytouch-keyboa... | | + keytouch | [] [] | + keytouch-editor | [] | + keytouch-keyboa... | [] | latrine | () | ld | [] | leafpad | [] [] [] [] [] | - libc | [] [] [] [] [] | + libc | [] [] [] [] | libexif | [] | libextractor | [] | libgpewidget | [] [] [] | @@ -306,76 +302,70 @@ translation percentage of at least 50%. libgphoto2_port | [] [] | libgsasl | | libiconv | [] [] | - libidn | [] [] | + libidn | [] [] [] | lifelines | [] () | lilypond | [] | lingoteach | | + lprng | | lynx | [] [] [] [] | m4 | [] [] [] [] | + mailfromd | | mailutils | [] | make | [] [] | - man-db | [] () [] [] | + man-db | [] [] [] | minicom | [] [] [] | - mysecretdiary | [] [] | nano | [] [] [] | - nano_1_0 | [] () [] [] | opcodes | [] | - parted | | - pilot-qof | [] | + parted | [] [] | + pilot-qof | | + popt | [] [] [] | psmisc | [] | pwdutils | | - python | | qof | | radius | [] | recode | [] [] [] [] [] [] | - rpm | [] [] | + rpm | [] | screem | | scrollkeeper | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | sed | [] [] [] | - sh-utils | [] [] | - shared-mime-info | [] [] [] [] | + shared-mime-info | [] [] [] [] () [] [] [] | sharutils | [] [] [] [] [] [] | shishi | | - silky | | skencil | [] () | - sketch | [] () | solfege | | soundtracker | [] [] | sp | [] | - stardict | [] | system-tools-ba... | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - tar | [] | + tar | [] [] | texinfo | [] [] [] | - textutils | [] [] [] | tin | () () | - tp-robot | [] | - tuxpaint | [] [] [] [] [] | + tuxpaint | [] [] [] [] [] [] | unicode-han-tra... | | unicode-transla... | | util-linux | [] [] [] [] | - vorbis-tools | [] [] [] [] | + util-linux-ng | [] [] [] [] | + vorbis-tools | [] | wastesedge | () | wdiff | [] [] [] [] | - wget | [] [] | - xchat | [] [] [] [] [] [] | - xkeyboard-config | | - xpad | [] [] | + wget | [] [] [] | + xchat | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | + xkeyboard-config | [] | + xpad | [] [] [] | +----------------------------------------------------+ af am ar az be bg bs ca cs cy da de el en en_GB eo - 10 0 1 2 9 22 1 42 41 2 60 95 16 1 17 16 + 6 0 2 1 8 26 2 40 48 2 56 88 15 1 15 18 es et eu fa fi fr ga gl gu he hi hr hu id is it +--------------------------------------------------+ - GNUnet | | + Compendium | [] [] [] [] [] | a2ps | [] [] [] () | aegis | | ant-phone | [] | anubis | [] | ap-utils | [] [] | aspell | [] [] [] | - bash | [] [] [] | - batchelor | [] [] | - bfd | [] | + bash | [] | + bfd | [] [] | bibshelf | [] [] [] | binutils | [] [] [] | bison | [] [] [] [] [] [] | @@ -388,36 +378,32 @@ translation percentage of at least 50%. cpio | [] [] [] | cpplib | [] [] | cryptonit | [] | - darkstat | [] () [] [] [] | - dialog | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | + dialog | [] [] [] | diffutils | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | doodle | [] [] | e2fsprogs | [] [] [] | enscript | [] [] [] | - error | [] [] [] [] [] | fetchmail | [] | - fileutils | [] [] [] [] [] [] | - findutils | [] [] [] [] | + findutils | [] [] [] | + findutils_stable | [] [] [] [] | flex | [] [] [] | - fslint | [] | + fslint | | gas | [] [] | - gawk | [] [] [] [] | - gbiff | [] | + gawk | [] [] [] [] () | gcal | [] [] | gcc | [] | - gettext-examples | [] [] [] [] [] [] | + gettext-examples | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | gettext-runtime | [] [] [] [] [] [] | - gettext-tools | [] [] [] | - gimp-print | [] [] | - gip | [] [] [] | + gettext-tools | [] [] [] [] | + gip | [] [] [] [] | gliv | () | glunarclock | [] [] [] | gmult | [] [] [] | gnubiff | () () | gnucash | () () () | - gnucash-glossary | [] [] | gnuedu | [] | - gnulib | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | + gnulib | [] [] [] | + gnunet | | gnunet-gtk | | gnutls | | gpe-aerial | [] [] | @@ -439,68 +425,71 @@ translation percentage of at least 50%. gpe-today | [] [] [] [] | gpe-todo | [] | gphoto2 | [] [] [] [] [] | - gprof | [] [] [] [] | - gpsdrive | () () [] () | + gprof | [] [] [] [] [] | + gpsdrive | [] | gramadoir | [] [] | - grep | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - gretl | [] [] [] | + grep | [] [] [] | + gretl | [] [] [] () | gsasl | [] [] | - gss | [] | - gst-plugins | [] [] [] | - gst-plugins-base | [] [] | - gst-plugins-good | [] [] [] | + gss | [] [] | + gst-plugins-bad | [] [] [] [] | + gst-plugins-base | [] [] [] [] | + gst-plugins-good | [] [] [] [] [] | + gst-plugins-ugly | [] [] [] [] | gstreamer | [] [] [] | - gtick | [] | + gtick | [] [] [] | gtkam | [] [] [] [] | gtkorphan | [] [] | - gtkspell | [] [] [] [] [] [] | + gtkspell | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | gutenprint | [] | hello | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - id-utils | [] [] [] [] [] | - impost | [] [] | + herrie | [] | + hylafax | | + idutils | [] [] [] [] [] | indent | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - iso_3166 | [] [] [] | + iso_15924 | [] | + iso_3166 | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | iso_3166_2 | [] | - iso_4217 | [] [] [] [] | - iso_639 | [] [] [] [] [] | + iso_4217 | [] [] [] [] [] [] | + iso_639 | [] [] [] [] [] [] | jpilot | [] [] | jtag | [] | jwhois | [] [] [] [] [] | kbd | [] [] | - keytouch | [] | + keytouch | [] [] [] | keytouch-editor | [] | - keytouch-keyboa... | [] | - latrine | [] [] [] | - ld | [] [] | + keytouch-keyboa... | [] [] | + latrine | [] [] | + ld | [] [] [] [] | leafpad | [] [] [] [] [] [] | libc | [] [] [] [] [] | libexif | [] | libextractor | [] | libgpewidget | [] [] [] [] [] | - libgpg-error | | + libgpg-error | [] | libgphoto2 | [] [] [] | libgphoto2_port | [] [] | libgsasl | [] [] | - libiconv | [] [] | + libiconv | [] [] [] | libidn | [] [] | lifelines | () | - lilypond | [] | + lilypond | [] [] [] | lingoteach | [] [] [] | + lprng | | lynx | [] [] [] | m4 | [] [] [] [] | + mailfromd | | mailutils | [] [] | make | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - man-db | () | + man-db | [] | minicom | [] [] [] [] | - mysecretdiary | [] [] [] | - nano | [] [] [] [] [] [] | - nano_1_0 | [] [] [] [] [] | + nano | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | opcodes | [] [] [] [] | - parted | [] [] [] [] | + parted | [] [] [] | pilot-qof | | - psmisc | [] [] [] | + popt | [] [] [] [] | + psmisc | [] [] | pwdutils | | - python | | qof | [] | radius | [] [] | recode | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | @@ -508,565 +497,539 @@ translation percentage of at least 50%. screem | | scrollkeeper | [] [] [] | sed | [] [] [] [] [] | - sh-utils | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | shared-mime-info | [] [] [] [] [] [] | sharutils | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - shishi | | - silky | [] | + shishi | [] | skencil | [] [] | - sketch | [] [] | solfege | [] | soundtracker | [] [] [] | sp | [] | - stardict | [] | - system-tools-ba... | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - tar | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - texinfo | [] [] | - textutils | [] [] [] [] [] | + system-tools-ba... | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | + tar | [] [] [] [] [] | + texinfo | [] [] [] | tin | [] () | - tp-robot | [] [] [] [] | tuxpaint | [] [] | unicode-han-tra... | | unicode-transla... | [] [] | util-linux | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - vorbis-tools | [] [] | + util-linux-ng | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | + vorbis-tools | | wastesedge | () | wdiff | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | wget | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - xchat | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - xkeyboard-config | [] [] [] [] | + xchat | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | + xkeyboard-config | [] [] [] [] | xpad | [] [] [] | +--------------------------------------------------+ es et eu fa fi fr ga gl gu he hi hr hu id is it - 88 22 14 2 40 115 61 14 1 8 1 6 59 31 0 52 + 85 22 14 2 48 101 61 12 2 8 2 6 53 29 1 52 - ja ko ku ky lg lt lv mk mn ms mt nb ne nl nn no - +-------------------------------------------------+ - GNUnet | | - a2ps | () [] [] () | - aegis | () | - ant-phone | [] | - anubis | [] [] [] | - ap-utils | [] | - aspell | [] [] | - bash | [] | - batchelor | [] [] | - bfd | | - bibshelf | [] | - binutils | | - bison | [] [] [] | - bison-runtime | [] [] [] | - bluez-pin | [] [] [] | - cflow | | - clisp | [] | - console-tools | | - coreutils | [] | - cpio | | - cpplib | [] | - cryptonit | [] | - darkstat | [] [] | - dialog | [] [] | - diffutils | [] [] [] | - doodle | | - e2fsprogs | [] | - enscript | [] | - error | [] | - fetchmail | [] [] | - fileutils | [] [] | - findutils | [] | - flex | [] [] | - fslint | [] [] | - gas | | - gawk | [] [] | - gbiff | [] | - gcal | | - gcc | | - gettext-examples | [] [] | - gettext-runtime | [] [] [] | - gettext-tools | [] [] | - gimp-print | [] [] | - gip | [] [] | - gliv | [] | - glunarclock | [] [] | - gmult | [] [] | - gnubiff | | - gnucash | () () | - gnucash-glossary | [] | - gnuedu | | - gnulib | [] [] [] [] | - gnunet-gtk | | - gnutls | | - gpe-aerial | [] | - gpe-beam | [] | - gpe-calendar | [] | - gpe-clock | [] [] [] | - gpe-conf | [] [] | - gpe-contacts | [] | - gpe-edit | [] [] [] | - gpe-filemanager | [] [] | - gpe-go | [] [] [] | - gpe-login | [] [] [] | - gpe-ownerinfo | [] [] | - gpe-package | [] [] | - gpe-sketchbook | [] [] | - gpe-su | [] [] [] | - gpe-taskmanager | [] [] [] [] | - gpe-timesheet | [] | - gpe-today | [] [] | - gpe-todo | [] | - gphoto2 | [] [] | - gprof | | - gpsdrive | () () () | - gramadoir | () | - grep | [] [] [] [] | - gretl | | - gsasl | [] | - gss | | - gst-plugins | [] | - gst-plugins-base | | - gst-plugins-good | [] | - gstreamer | [] | - gtick | | - gtkam | [] | - gtkorphan | [] | - gtkspell | [] [] | - gutenprint | | - hello | [] [] [] [] [] [] | - id-utils | [] | - impost | | - indent | [] [] | - iso_3166 | [] | - iso_3166_2 | [] | - iso_4217 | [] [] [] | - iso_639 | [] [] | - jpilot | () () () | - jtag | | - jwhois | [] | - kbd | [] | - keytouch | [] | - keytouch-editor | | - keytouch-keyboa... | | - latrine | [] | - ld | | - leafpad | [] [] | - libc | [] [] [] [] [] | - libexif | | - libextractor | | - libgpewidget | [] | - libgpg-error | | - libgphoto2 | [] | - libgphoto2_port | [] | - libgsasl | [] | - libiconv | | - libidn | [] [] | - lifelines | [] | - lilypond | | - lingoteach | [] | - lynx | [] [] | - m4 | [] [] | - mailutils | | - make | [] [] [] | - man-db | () | - minicom | [] | - mysecretdiary | [] | - nano | [] [] [] | - nano_1_0 | [] [] [] | - opcodes | [] | - parted | [] [] | - pilot-qof | | - psmisc | [] [] [] | - pwdutils | | - python | | - qof | | - radius | | - recode | [] | - rpm | [] [] | - screem | [] | - scrollkeeper | [] [] [] [] | - sed | [] [] | - sh-utils | [] [] | - shared-mime-info | [] [] [] [] [] | - sharutils | [] [] | - shishi | | - silky | [] | - skencil | | - sketch | | - solfege | | - soundtracker | | - sp | () | - stardict | [] [] | - system-tools-ba... | [] [] [] [] | - tar | [] [] [] | - texinfo | [] [] [] | - textutils | [] [] [] | - tin | | - tp-robot | [] | - tuxpaint | [] | - unicode-han-tra... | | - unicode-transla... | | - util-linux | [] [] | - vorbis-tools | [] | - wastesedge | [] | - wdiff | [] [] | - wget | [] [] | - xchat | [] [] [] [] | - xkeyboard-config | [] | - xpad | [] [] [] | - +-------------------------------------------------+ - ja ko ku ky lg lt lv mk mn ms mt nb ne nl nn no - 52 24 2 2 1 3 0 2 3 21 0 15 1 97 5 1 + ja ka ko ku ky lg lt lv mk mn ms mt nb ne nl nn + +--------------------------------------------------+ + Compendium | [] | + a2ps | () [] [] | + aegis | () | + ant-phone | [] | + anubis | [] [] [] | + ap-utils | [] | + aspell | [] [] | + bash | [] | + bfd | | + bibshelf | [] | + binutils | | + bison | [] [] [] | + bison-runtime | [] [] [] | + bluez-pin | [] [] [] | + cflow | | + clisp | [] | + console-tools | | + coreutils | [] | + cpio | [] | + cpplib | [] | + cryptonit | [] | + dialog | [] [] | + diffutils | [] [] [] | + doodle | | + e2fsprogs | [] | + enscript | [] | + fetchmail | [] [] | + findutils | [] | + findutils_stable | [] | + flex | [] [] | + fslint | | + gas | | + gawk | [] [] | + gcal | | + gcc | | + gettext-examples | [] [] [] | + gettext-runtime | [] [] [] | + gettext-tools | [] [] | + gip | [] [] | + gliv | [] | + glunarclock | [] [] | + gmult | [] [] [] | + gnubiff | | + gnucash | () () () | + gnuedu | | + gnulib | [] [] | + gnunet | | + gnunet-gtk | | + gnutls | [] | + gpe-aerial | [] | + gpe-beam | [] | + gpe-calendar | [] | + gpe-clock | [] [] [] | + gpe-conf | [] [] [] | + gpe-contacts | [] | + gpe-edit | [] [] [] | + gpe-filemanager | [] [] | + gpe-go | [] [] [] | + gpe-login | [] [] [] | + gpe-ownerinfo | [] [] | + gpe-package | [] [] | + gpe-sketchbook | [] [] | + gpe-su | [] [] [] | + gpe-taskmanager | [] [] [] [] | + gpe-timesheet | [] | + gpe-today | [] [] | + gpe-todo | [] | + gphoto2 | [] [] | + gprof | [] | + gpsdrive | [] | + gramadoir | () | + grep | [] [] | + gretl | | + gsasl | [] | + gss | | + gst-plugins-bad | [] | + gst-plugins-base | [] | + gst-plugins-good | [] | + gst-plugins-ugly | [] | + gstreamer | [] | + gtick | [] | + gtkam | [] [] | + gtkorphan | [] | + gtkspell | [] [] | + gutenprint | [] | + hello | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | + herrie | [] | + hylafax | | + idutils | [] | + indent | [] [] | + iso_15924 | [] | + iso_3166 | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | + iso_3166_2 | [] | + iso_4217 | [] [] [] | + iso_639 | [] [] [] [] | + jpilot | () () | + jtag | | + jwhois | [] | + kbd | [] | + keytouch | [] | + keytouch-editor | [] | + keytouch-keyboa... | | + latrine | [] | + ld | | + leafpad | [] [] | + libc | [] [] [] | + libexif | | + libextractor | | + libgpewidget | [] | + libgpg-error | | + libgphoto2 | [] | + libgphoto2_port | [] | + libgsasl | [] | + libiconv | [] | + libidn | [] [] | + lifelines | [] | + lilypond | [] | + lingoteach | [] | + lprng | | + lynx | [] [] | + m4 | [] [] | + mailfromd | | + mailutils | | + make | [] [] [] | + man-db | | + minicom | [] | + nano | [] [] [] | + opcodes | [] | + parted | [] [] | + pilot-qof | | + popt | [] [] [] | + psmisc | [] [] [] | + pwdutils | | + qof | | + radius | | + recode | [] | + rpm | [] [] | + screem | [] | + scrollkeeper | [] [] [] [] | + sed | [] [] | + shared-mime-info | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | + sharutils | [] [] | + shishi | | + skencil | | + solfege | () () | + soundtracker | | + sp | () | + system-tools-ba... | [] [] [] [] | + tar | [] [] [] | + texinfo | [] [] | + tin | | + tuxpaint | () [] [] | + unicode-han-tra... | | + unicode-transla... | | + util-linux | [] [] | + util-linux-ng | [] [] | + vorbis-tools | | + wastesedge | [] | + wdiff | [] [] | + wget | [] [] | + xchat | [] [] [] [] | + xkeyboard-config | [] [] [] | + xpad | [] [] [] | + +--------------------------------------------------+ + ja ka ko ku ky lg lt lv mk mn ms mt nb ne nl nn + 51 2 25 3 2 0 6 0 2 2 20 0 11 1 103 6 - nso or pa pl pt pt_BR rm ro ru rw sk sl sq sr sv ta - +------------------------------------------------------+ - GNUnet | | - a2ps | () [] [] [] [] [] [] | - aegis | () () | - ant-phone | [] [] | - anubis | [] [] [] | - ap-utils | () | - aspell | [] [] | - bash | [] [] [] | - batchelor | [] [] | - bfd | | - bibshelf | [] | - binutils | [] [] | - bison | [] [] [] [] [] | - bison-runtime | [] [] [] [] | - bluez-pin | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - cflow | [] | - clisp | [] | - console-tools | [] | - coreutils | [] [] [] [] | - cpio | [] [] [] | - cpplib | [] | - cryptonit | [] [] | - darkstat | [] [] [] [] [] [] | - dialog | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - diffutils | [] [] [] [] [] [] | - doodle | [] [] | - e2fsprogs | [] [] | - enscript | [] [] [] [] [] | - error | [] [] [] [] | - fetchmail | [] [] [] | - fileutils | [] [] [] [] [] | - findutils | [] [] [] [] [] [] | - flex | [] [] [] [] [] | - fslint | [] [] [] [] | - gas | | - gawk | [] [] [] [] | - gbiff | [] | - gcal | [] | - gcc | [] | - gettext-examples | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - gettext-runtime | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - gettext-tools | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - gimp-print | [] [] | - gip | [] [] [] [] | - gliv | [] [] [] [] | - glunarclock | [] [] [] [] [] [] | - gmult | [] [] [] [] | - gnubiff | () | - gnucash | () [] | - gnucash-glossary | [] [] [] | - gnuedu | | - gnulib | [] [] [] [] [] | - gnunet-gtk | [] | - gnutls | [] [] | - gpe-aerial | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - gpe-beam | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - gpe-calendar | [] | - gpe-clock | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - gpe-conf | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - gpe-contacts | [] [] [] [] [] | - gpe-edit | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - gpe-filemanager | [] [] | - gpe-go | [] [] [] [] [] [] | - gpe-login | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - gpe-ownerinfo | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - gpe-package | [] [] | - gpe-sketchbook | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - gpe-su | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - gpe-taskmanager | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - gpe-timesheet | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - gpe-today | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - gpe-todo | [] [] [] [] | - gphoto2 | [] [] [] [] [] | - gprof | [] [] [] | - gpsdrive | [] [] [] | - gramadoir | [] [] | - grep | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - gretl | [] | - gsasl | [] [] [] | - gss | [] [] [] | - gst-plugins | [] [] [] [] | - gst-plugins-base | [] | - gst-plugins-good | [] [] [] [] | - gstreamer | [] [] [] | - gtick | [] | - gtkam | [] [] [] [] | - gtkorphan | [] | - gtkspell | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - gutenprint | [] | - hello | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - id-utils | [] [] [] [] | - impost | [] | - indent | [] [] [] [] [] [] | - iso_3166 | [] [] [] [] [] [] | - iso_3166_2 | | - iso_4217 | [] [] [] [] | - iso_639 | [] [] [] [] | - jpilot | | - jtag | [] | - jwhois | [] [] [] [] | - kbd | [] [] [] | - keytouch | [] | - keytouch-editor | [] | - keytouch-keyboa... | [] | - latrine | [] [] | - ld | [] | - leafpad | [] [] [] [] [] [] | - libc | [] [] [] [] [] | - libexif | [] | - libextractor | [] [] | - libgpewidget | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - libgpg-error | [] [] | - libgphoto2 | [] | - libgphoto2_port | [] [] [] | - libgsasl | [] [] [] [] | - libiconv | [] [] | - libidn | [] [] () | - lifelines | [] [] | - lilypond | | - lingoteach | [] | - lynx | [] [] [] | - m4 | [] [] [] [] [] | - mailutils | [] [] [] [] | - make | [] [] [] [] | - man-db | [] [] | - minicom | [] [] [] [] [] | - mysecretdiary | [] [] [] [] | - nano | [] [] [] | - nano_1_0 | [] [] [] [] | - opcodes | [] [] | - parted | [] | - pilot-qof | [] | - psmisc | [] [] | - pwdutils | [] [] | - python | | - qof | [] [] | - radius | [] [] | - recode | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - rpm | [] [] [] [] | - screem | | - scrollkeeper | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - sed | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - sh-utils | [] [] [] | - shared-mime-info | [] [] [] [] [] | - sharutils | [] [] [] [] | - shishi | [] | - silky | [] | - skencil | [] [] [] | - sketch | [] [] [] | - solfege | [] | - soundtracker | [] [] | - sp | | - stardict | [] [] [] | - system-tools-ba... | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - tar | [] [] [] [] [] | - texinfo | [] [] [] [] | - textutils | [] [] [] | - tin | () | - tp-robot | [] | - tuxpaint | [] [] [] [] [] | - unicode-han-tra... | | - unicode-transla... | | - util-linux | [] [] [] [] | - vorbis-tools | [] [] | - wastesedge | | - wdiff | [] [] [] [] [] [] | - wget | [] [] [] [] | - xchat | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - xkeyboard-config | [] [] | - xpad | [] [] [] | - +------------------------------------------------------+ - nso or pa pl pt pt_BR rm ro ru rw sk sl sq sr sv ta - 0 2 3 58 30 54 5 73 72 4 40 46 11 50 128 2 + or pa pl pt pt_BR rm ro ru rw sk sl sq sr sv ta + +--------------------------------------------------+ + Compendium | [] [] [] [] [] | + a2ps | () [] [] [] [] [] [] | + aegis | () () | + ant-phone | [] [] | + anubis | [] [] [] | + ap-utils | () | + aspell | [] [] [] | + bash | [] [] | + bfd | | + bibshelf | [] | + binutils | [] [] | + bison | [] [] [] [] [] | + bison-runtime | [] [] [] [] [] | + bluez-pin | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | + cflow | [] | + clisp | [] | + console-tools | [] | + coreutils | [] [] [] [] | + cpio | [] [] [] | + cpplib | [] | + cryptonit | [] [] | + dialog | [] | + diffutils | [] [] [] [] [] [] | + doodle | [] [] | + e2fsprogs | [] [] | + enscript | [] [] [] [] [] | + fetchmail | [] [] [] | + findutils | [] [] [] | + findutils_stable | [] [] [] [] [] [] | + flex | [] [] [] [] [] | + fslint | [] | + gas | | + gawk | [] [] [] [] | + gcal | [] | + gcc | [] [] | + gettext-examples | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | + gettext-runtime | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | + gettext-tools | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | + gip | [] [] [] [] | + gliv | [] [] [] [] [] [] | + glunarclock | [] [] [] [] [] [] | + gmult | [] [] [] [] | + gnubiff | () [] | + gnucash | () [] | + gnuedu | | + gnulib | [] [] [] | + gnunet | | + gnunet-gtk | [] | + gnutls | [] [] | + gpe-aerial | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | + gpe-beam | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | + gpe-calendar | [] [] [] [] | + gpe-clock | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | + gpe-conf | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | + gpe-contacts | [] [] [] [] [] | + gpe-edit | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | + gpe-filemanager | [] [] | + gpe-go | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | + gpe-login | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | + gpe-ownerinfo | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | + gpe-package | [] [] | + gpe-sketchbook | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | + gpe-su | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | + gpe-taskmanager | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | + gpe-timesheet | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | + gpe-today | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | + gpe-todo | [] [] [] [] | + gphoto2 | [] [] [] [] [] [] | + gprof | [] [] [] | + gpsdrive | [] [] | + gramadoir | [] [] | + grep | [] [] [] [] | + gretl | [] [] [] | + gsasl | [] [] [] | + gss | [] [] [] [] | + gst-plugins-bad | [] [] [] | + gst-plugins-base | [] [] | + gst-plugins-good | [] [] | + gst-plugins-ugly | [] [] [] | + gstreamer | [] [] [] [] | + gtick | [] | + gtkam | [] [] [] [] [] | + gtkorphan | [] | + gtkspell | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | + gutenprint | [] | + hello | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | + herrie | [] [] [] | + hylafax | | + idutils | [] [] [] [] [] | + indent | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | + iso_15924 | | + iso_3166 | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | + iso_3166_2 | | + iso_4217 | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | + iso_639 | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | + jpilot | | + jtag | [] | + jwhois | [] [] [] [] | + kbd | [] [] [] | + keytouch | [] | + keytouch-editor | [] | + keytouch-keyboa... | [] | + latrine | | + ld | [] | + leafpad | [] [] [] [] [] [] | + libc | [] [] [] [] | + libexif | [] [] | + libextractor | [] [] | + libgpewidget | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | + libgpg-error | [] [] [] | + libgphoto2 | [] | + libgphoto2_port | [] [] [] | + libgsasl | [] [] [] [] | + libiconv | [] [] [] | + libidn | [] [] () | + lifelines | [] [] | + lilypond | | + lingoteach | [] | + lprng | [] | + lynx | [] [] [] | + m4 | [] [] [] [] [] | + mailfromd | [] | + mailutils | [] [] [] | + make | [] [] [] [] | + man-db | [] [] [] [] | + minicom | [] [] [] [] [] | + nano | [] [] [] [] | + opcodes | [] [] | + parted | [] | + pilot-qof | | + popt | [] [] [] [] | + psmisc | [] [] | + pwdutils | [] [] | + qof | [] [] | + radius | [] [] | + recode | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | + rpm | [] [] [] [] | + screem | | + scrollkeeper | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | + sed | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | + shared-mime-info | [] [] [] [] [] [] | + sharutils | [] [] [] [] | + shishi | [] | + skencil | [] [] [] | + solfege | [] | + soundtracker | [] [] | + sp | | + system-tools-ba... | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | + tar | [] [] [] [] | + texinfo | [] [] [] [] | + tin | () | + tuxpaint | [] [] [] [] [] [] | + unicode-han-tra... | | + unicode-transla... | | + util-linux | [] [] [] [] | + util-linux-ng | [] [] [] [] | + vorbis-tools | [] | + wastesedge | | + wdiff | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | + wget | [] [] [] [] | + xchat | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | + xkeyboard-config | [] [] [] | + xpad | [] [] [] | + +--------------------------------------------------+ + or pa pl pt pt_BR rm ro ru rw sk sl sq sr sv ta + 0 5 77 31 53 4 58 72 3 45 46 9 45 122 3 tg th tk tr uk ven vi wa xh zh_CN zh_HK zh_TW zu +---------------------------------------------------+ - GNUnet | [] | 2 + Compendium | [] [] [] [] | 19 a2ps | [] [] [] | 19 - aegis | | 0 + aegis | [] | 1 ant-phone | [] [] | 6 anubis | [] [] [] | 11 ap-utils | () [] | 4 - aspell | [] [] [] | 15 - bash | [] | 11 - batchelor | [] [] | 9 - bfd | | 1 + aspell | [] [] [] | 16 + bash | [] | 6 + bfd | | 2 bibshelf | [] | 7 - binutils | [] [] [] | 9 - bison | [] [] [] | 19 - bison-runtime | [] [] [] | 15 + binutils | [] [] [] [] | 9 + bison | [] [] [] [] | 20 + bison-runtime | [] [] [] [] | 18 bluez-pin | [] [] [] [] [] [] | 28 cflow | [] [] | 5 - clisp | | 6 + clisp | | 9 console-tools | [] [] | 5 - coreutils | [] [] | 16 - cpio | [] [] [] | 9 - cpplib | [] [] [] [] | 11 - cryptonit | | 5 - darkstat | [] () () | 15 - dialog | [] [] [] [] [] | 30 - diffutils | [] [] [] [] | 28 + coreutils | [] [] [] | 18 + cpio | [] [] [] [] | 11 + cpplib | [] [] [] [] [] | 12 + cryptonit | [] | 6 + dialog | [] [] [] | 9 + diffutils | [] [] [] [] [] | 29 doodle | [] | 6 e2fsprogs | [] [] | 10 enscript | [] [] [] | 16 - error | [] [] [] [] | 18 fetchmail | [] [] | 12 - fileutils | [] [] [] | 18 - findutils | [] [] [] | 17 + findutils | [] [] [] | 11 + findutils_stable | [] [] [] [] | 18 flex | [] [] | 15 - fslint | [] | 9 + fslint | [] | 2 gas | [] | 3 - gawk | [] [] | 15 - gbiff | [] | 5 + gawk | [] [] [] | 16 gcal | [] | 5 - gcc | [] [] [] | 6 - gettext-examples | [] [] [] [] [] [] | 27 + gcc | [] [] [] | 7 + gettext-examples | [] [] [] [] [] [] | 29 gettext-runtime | [] [] [] [] [] [] | 28 - gettext-tools | [] [] [] [] [] | 19 - gimp-print | [] [] | 12 - gip | [] [] | 12 - gliv | [] [] | 8 + gettext-tools | [] [] [] [] [] | 20 + gip | [] [] | 13 + gliv | [] [] | 11 glunarclock | [] [] [] | 15 - gmult | [] [] [] [] | 15 - gnubiff | [] | 1 - gnucash | () | 2 - gnucash-glossary | [] [] | 9 + gmult | [] [] [] [] | 16 + gnubiff | [] | 2 + gnucash | () [] | 5 gnuedu | [] | 2 - gnulib | [] [] [] [] [] | 28 - gnunet-gtk | | 1 - gnutls | | 2 + gnulib | [] | 10 + gnunet | | 0 + gnunet-gtk | [] [] | 3 + gnutls | | 4 gpe-aerial | [] [] | 14 gpe-beam | [] [] | 14 - gpe-calendar | [] | 3 + gpe-calendar | [] [] | 7 gpe-clock | [] [] [] [] | 21 - gpe-conf | [] [] | 14 + gpe-conf | [] [] [] | 16 gpe-contacts | [] [] | 10 - gpe-edit | [] [] [] [] | 20 - gpe-filemanager | [] | 6 - gpe-go | [] [] | 15 + gpe-edit | [] [] [] [] [] | 22 + gpe-filemanager | [] [] | 7 + gpe-go | [] [] [] [] | 19 gpe-login | [] [] [] [] [] | 21 gpe-ownerinfo | [] [] [] [] | 21 gpe-package | [] | 6 gpe-sketchbook | [] [] | 16 - gpe-su | [] [] [] | 20 - gpe-taskmanager | [] [] [] | 20 + gpe-su | [] [] [] [] | 21 + gpe-taskmanager | [] [] [] [] | 21 gpe-timesheet | [] [] [] [] | 18 gpe-today | [] [] [] [] [] | 21 - gpe-todo | [] | 7 - gphoto2 | [] [] [] [] | 20 - gprof | [] [] | 11 - gpsdrive | | 4 + gpe-todo | [] [] | 8 + gphoto2 | [] [] [] [] | 21 + gprof | [] [] | 13 + gpsdrive | [] | 5 gramadoir | [] | 7 - grep | [] [] [] [] | 34 - gretl | | 4 - gsasl | [] [] | 8 - gss | [] | 5 - gst-plugins | [] [] [] | 15 - gst-plugins-base | [] [] [] | 9 - gst-plugins-good | [] [] [] [] [] | 20 - gstreamer | [] [] [] | 17 - gtick | [] | 3 - gtkam | [] | 13 + grep | [] | 12 + gretl | | 6 + gsasl | [] [] [] | 9 + gss | [] | 7 + gst-plugins-bad | [] [] [] | 13 + gst-plugins-base | [] [] | 11 + gst-plugins-good | [] [] [] [] [] | 16 + gst-plugins-ugly | [] [] [] | 13 + gstreamer | [] [] [] | 18 + gtick | [] [] | 7 + gtkam | [] | 16 gtkorphan | [] | 7 - gtkspell | [] [] [] [] [] [] | 26 - gutenprint | | 3 - hello | [] [] [] [] [] | 37 - id-utils | [] [] | 14 - impost | [] | 4 - indent | [] [] [] [] | 25 - iso_3166 | [] [] [] [] | 16 - iso_3166_2 | | 2 - iso_4217 | [] [] | 14 - iso_639 | [] | 14 + gtkspell | [] [] [] [] [] [] | 27 + gutenprint | | 4 + hello | [] [] [] [] [] | 38 + herrie | [] [] | 8 + hylafax | | 0 + idutils | [] [] | 15 + indent | [] [] [] [] [] | 28 + iso_15924 | [] [] | 4 + iso_3166 | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | 54 + iso_3166_2 | [] [] | 4 + iso_4217 | [] [] [] [] [] | 24 + iso_639 | [] [] [] [] [] | 26 jpilot | [] [] [] [] | 7 jtag | [] | 3 jwhois | [] [] [] | 13 - kbd | [] [] | 12 - keytouch | [] | 4 - keytouch-editor | | 2 - keytouch-keyboa... | [] | 3 - latrine | [] [] | 8 - ld | [] [] [] [] | 8 - leafpad | [] [] [] [] | 23 - libc | [] [] [] | 23 - libexif | [] | 4 + kbd | [] [] [] | 13 + keytouch | [] | 8 + keytouch-editor | [] | 5 + keytouch-keyboa... | [] | 5 + latrine | [] [] | 5 + ld | [] [] [] [] | 10 + leafpad | [] [] [] [] [] | 24 + libc | [] [] [] | 19 + libexif | [] | 5 libextractor | [] | 5 - libgpewidget | [] [] [] | 19 - libgpg-error | [] | 4 - libgphoto2 | [] | 8 + libgpewidget | [] [] [] | 20 + libgpg-error | [] | 6 + libgphoto2 | [] [] | 9 libgphoto2_port | [] [] [] | 11 libgsasl | [] | 8 - libiconv | [] | 7 - libidn | [] [] | 10 + libiconv | [] [] | 11 + libidn | [] [] | 11 lifelines | | 4 - lilypond | | 2 + lilypond | [] | 6 lingoteach | [] | 6 + lprng | [] | 2 lynx | [] [] [] | 15 m4 | [] [] [] | 18 - mailutils | [] | 8 + mailfromd | [] [] | 3 + mailutils | [] [] | 8 make | [] [] [] | 20 - man-db | [] | 6 + man-db | [] | 9 minicom | [] | 14 - mysecretdiary | [] [] | 12 - nano | [] [] | 17 - nano_1_0 | [] [] [] | 18 + nano | [] [] [] | 20 opcodes | [] [] | 10 - parted | [] [] [] | 10 - pilot-qof | [] | 3 - psmisc | [] | 10 + parted | [] [] [] | 11 + pilot-qof | [] | 1 + popt | [] [] [] [] | 18 + psmisc | [] [] | 10 pwdutils | [] | 3 - python | | 0 qof | [] | 4 - radius | [] | 6 + radius | [] [] | 7 recode | [] [] [] | 25 - rpm | [] [] [] [] | 14 + rpm | [] [] [] [] | 13 screem | [] | 2 scrollkeeper | [] [] [] [] | 26 - sed | [] [] [] | 22 - sh-utils | [] | 15 - shared-mime-info | [] [] [] [] | 24 + sed | [] [] [] [] | 23 + shared-mime-info | [] [] [] | 29 sharutils | [] [] [] | 23 - shishi | | 1 - silky | [] | 4 + shishi | [] | 3 skencil | [] | 7 - sketch | | 6 - solfege | | 2 + solfege | [] | 3 soundtracker | [] [] | 9 sp | [] | 3 - stardict | [] [] [] [] | 11 - system-tools-ba... | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | 37 - tar | [] [] [] [] | 20 + system-tools-ba... | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | 38 + tar | [] [] [] | 17 texinfo | [] [] [] | 15 - textutils | [] [] [] | 17 tin | | 1 - tp-robot | [] [] [] | 10 - tuxpaint | [] [] [] | 16 + tuxpaint | [] [] [] | 19 unicode-han-tra... | | 0 unicode-transla... | | 2 util-linux | [] [] [] | 20 - vorbis-tools | [] [] | 11 + util-linux-ng | [] [] [] | 20 + vorbis-tools | [] [] | 4 wastesedge | | 1 - wdiff | [] [] | 22 - wget | [] [] [] | 19 + wdiff | [] [] | 23 + wget | [] [] [] | 20 xchat | [] [] [] [] | 29 - xkeyboard-config | [] [] [] [] | 11 - xpad | [] [] [] | 14 + xkeyboard-config | [] [] [] | 14 + xpad | [] [] [] | 15 +---------------------------------------------------+ - 77 teams tg th tk tr uk ven vi wa xh zh_CN zh_HK zh_TW zu - 170 domains 0 1 1 77 39 0 136 10 1 48 5 54 0 2028 + 76 teams tg th tk tr uk ven vi wa xh zh_CN zh_HK zh_TW zu + 163 domains 0 3 1 74 51 0 143 21 1 57 7 45 0 2036 Some counters in the preceding matrix are higher than the number of visible blocks let us expect. This is because a few extra PO files are @@ -1079,10 +1042,10 @@ distributed as such by its maintainer. There might be an observable lag between the mere existence a PO file and its wide availability in a distribution. - If October 2006 seems to be old, you may fetch a more recent copy of -this `ABOUT-NLS' file on most GNU archive sites. The most up-to-date -matrix with full percentage details can be found at -`'. + If November 2007 seems to be old, you may fetch a more recent copy +of this `ABOUT-NLS' file on most GNU archive sites. The most +up-to-date matrix with full percentage details can be found at +`'. 1.6 Using `gettext' in new packages =================================== @@ -1100,6 +1063,6 @@ the use of `gettext' the only thing missing are the translations. The Free Translation Project is also available for packages which are not developed inside the GNU project. Therefore the information given above applies also for every other Free Software Project. Contact -`' to make the `.pot' files available to -the translation teams. +`' to make the `.pot' files available +to the translation teams. diff --git a/ChangeLog b/ChangeLog index 5d4e37c4..85bb2078 100644 --- a/ChangeLog +++ b/ChangeLog @@ -1,3 +1,14 @@ +2009-09-03 gettextize + + * m4/gettext.m4: Upgrade to gettext-0.17. + * m4/iconv.m4: Upgrade to gettext-0.17. + * m4/lib-link.m4: Upgrade to gettext-0.17. + * m4/po.m4: Upgrade to gettext-0.17. + + * po/ Upgrade to gettext-0.17. + + * (AM_GNU_GETTEXT_VERSION): Bump to 0.17. + 2009-09-02 Micah Cowan * po/Rules-quot (en_US.po-update): Remove use of GNU make's diff --git a/config.rpath b/config.rpath index c492a93b..c547c688 100755 --- a/config.rpath +++ b/config.rpath @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ # Output a system dependent set of variables, describing how to set the # run time search path of shared libraries in an executable. # -# Copyright 1996-2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +# Copyright 1996-2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. # Taken from GNU libtool, 2001 # Originally by Gordon Matzigkeit , 1996 # @@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ else ;; esac ;; - mingw* | pw32* | os2*) + mingw* | cygwin* | pw32* | os2*) ;; hpux9* | hpux10* | hpux11*) wl='-Wl,' @@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ else ;; newsos6) ;; - linux*) + linux* | k*bsd*-gnu) case $cc_basename in icc* | ecc*) wl='-Wl,' @@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ else osf3* | osf4* | osf5*) wl='-Wl,' ;; - sco3.2v5*) + rdos*) ;; solaris*) wl='-Wl,' @@ -108,11 +108,14 @@ else sunos4*) wl='-Qoption ld ' ;; - sysv4 | sysv4.2uw2* | sysv4.3* | sysv5*) + sysv4 | sysv4.2uw2* | sysv4.3*) wl='-Wl,' ;; sysv4*MP*) ;; + sysv5* | unixware* | sco3.2v5* | sco5v6* | OpenUNIX*) + wl='-Wl,' + ;; unicos*) wl='-Wl,' ;; @@ -189,11 +192,11 @@ if test "$with_gnu_ld" = yes; then ld_shlibs=no fi ;; - interix3*) + interix[3-9]*) hardcode_direct=no hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='${wl}-rpath,$libdir' ;; - linux*) + gnu* | linux* | k*bsd*-gnu) if $LD --help 2>&1 | grep ': supported targets:.* elf' > /dev/null; then : else @@ -280,7 +283,7 @@ else strings "$collect2name" | grep resolve_lib_name >/dev/null then # We have reworked collect2 - hardcode_direct=yes + : else # We have old collect2 hardcode_direct=unsupported @@ -359,7 +362,7 @@ else hardcode_direct=yes hardcode_minus_L=yes ;; - freebsd* | kfreebsd*-gnu | dragonfly*) + freebsd* | dragonfly*) hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='-R$libdir' hardcode_direct=yes ;; @@ -412,18 +415,22 @@ else hardcode_libdir_separator=: ;; openbsd*) - hardcode_direct=yes - if test -z "`echo __ELF__ | $CC -E - | grep __ELF__`" || test "$host_os-$host_cpu" = "openbsd2.8-powerpc"; then - hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='${wl}-rpath,$libdir' + if test -f /usr/libexec/; then + hardcode_direct=yes + if test -z "`echo __ELF__ | $CC -E - | grep __ELF__`" || test "$host_os-$host_cpu" = "openbsd2.8-powerpc"; then + hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='${wl}-rpath,$libdir' + else + case "$host_os" in + openbsd[01].* | openbsd2.[0-7] | openbsd2.[0-7].*) + hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='-R$libdir' + ;; + *) + hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='${wl}-rpath,$libdir' + ;; + esac + fi else - case "$host_os" in - openbsd[01].* | openbsd2.[0-7] | openbsd2.[0-7].*) - hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='-R$libdir' - ;; - *) - hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='${wl}-rpath,$libdir' - ;; - esac + ld_shlibs=no fi ;; os2*) @@ -471,7 +478,7 @@ else ld_shlibs=yes fi ;; - sysv4*uw2* | sysv5OpenUNIX* | sysv5UnixWare7.[01].[10]* | unixware7*) + sysv4*uw2* | sysv5OpenUNIX* | sysv5UnixWare7.[01].[10]* | unixware7* | sco3.2v5.0.[024]*) ;; sysv5* | sco3.2v5* | sco5v6*) hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='`test -z "$SCOABSPATH" && echo ${wl}-R,$libdir`' @@ -488,33 +495,51 @@ fi # Check dynamic linker characteristics # Code taken from libtool.m4's AC_LIBTOOL_SYS_DYNAMIC_LINKER. +# Unlike libtool.m4, here we don't care about _all_ names of the library, but +# only about the one the linker finds when passed -lNAME. This is the last +# element of library_names_spec in libtool.m4, or possibly two of them if the +# linker has special search rules. +library_names_spec= # the last element of library_names_spec in libtool.m4 libname_spec='lib$name' case "$host_os" in aix3*) + library_names_spec='$libname.a' ;; aix4* | aix5*) + library_names_spec='$libname$shrext' ;; amigaos*) + library_names_spec='$libname.a' ;; beos*) + library_names_spec='$libname$shrext' ;; bsdi[45]*) + library_names_spec='$libname$shrext' ;; cygwin* | mingw* | pw32*) shrext=.dll + library_names_spec='$libname.dll.a $libname.lib' ;; darwin* | rhapsody*) shrext=.dylib + library_names_spec='$libname$shrext' ;; dgux*) + library_names_spec='$libname$shrext' ;; freebsd1*) ;; - kfreebsd*-gnu) - ;; freebsd* | dragonfly*) + case "$host_os" in + freebsd[123]*) + library_names_spec='$libname$shrext$versuffix' ;; + *) + library_names_spec='$libname$shrext' ;; + esac ;; gnu*) + library_names_spec='$libname$shrext' ;; hpux9* | hpux10* | hpux11*) case $host_cpu in @@ -528,10 +553,13 @@ case "$host_os" in ;; esac + library_names_spec='$libname$shrext' ;; - interix3*) + interix[3-9]*) + library_names_spec='$libname$shrext' ;; irix5* | irix6* | nonstopux*) + library_names_spec='$libname$shrext' case "$host_os" in irix5* | nonstopux*) libsuff= shlibsuff= @@ -548,41 +576,59 @@ case "$host_os" in ;; linux*oldld* | linux*aout* | linux*coff*) ;; - linux*) + linux* | k*bsd*-gnu) + library_names_spec='$libname$shrext' ;; knetbsd*-gnu) + library_names_spec='$libname$shrext' ;; netbsd*) + library_names_spec='$libname$shrext' ;; newsos6) + library_names_spec='$libname$shrext' ;; nto-qnx*) + library_names_spec='$libname$shrext' ;; openbsd*) + library_names_spec='$libname$shrext$versuffix' ;; os2*) libname_spec='$name' shrext=.dll + library_names_spec='$libname.a' ;; osf3* | osf4* | osf5*) + library_names_spec='$libname$shrext' + ;; + rdos*) ;; solaris*) + library_names_spec='$libname$shrext' ;; sunos4*) + library_names_spec='$libname$shrext$versuffix' ;; sysv4 | sysv4.3*) + library_names_spec='$libname$shrext' ;; sysv4*MP*) + library_names_spec='$libname$shrext' ;; sysv5* | sco3.2v5* | sco5v6* | unixware* | OpenUNIX* | sysv4*uw2*) + library_names_spec='$libname$shrext' ;; uts4*) + library_names_spec='$libname$shrext' ;; esac sed_quote_subst='s/\(["`$\\]\)/\\\1/g' escaped_wl=`echo "X$wl" | sed -e 's/^X//' -e "$sed_quote_subst"` shlibext=`echo "$shrext" | sed -e 's,^\.,,'` +escaped_libname_spec=`echo "X$libname_spec" | sed -e 's/^X//' -e "$sed_quote_subst"` +escaped_library_names_spec=`echo "X$library_names_spec" | sed -e 's/^X//' -e "$sed_quote_subst"` escaped_hardcode_libdir_flag_spec=`echo "X$hardcode_libdir_flag_spec" | sed -e 's/^X//' -e "$sed_quote_subst"` LC_ALL=C sed -e 's/^\([a-zA-Z0-9_]*\)=/acl_cv_\1=/' <], - [CFPreferencesCopyAppValue(NULL, NULL)], - [gt_cv_func_CFPreferencesCopyAppValue=yes], - [gt_cv_func_CFPreferencesCopyAppValue=no]) - LIBS="$gt_save_LIBS"]) - if test $gt_cv_func_CFPreferencesCopyAppValue = yes; then - AC_DEFINE([HAVE_CFPREFERENCESCOPYAPPVALUE], 1, - [Define to 1 if you have the MacOS X function CFPreferencesCopyAppValue in the CoreFoundation framework.]) - fi - dnl Check for API introduced in MacOS X 10.3. - AC_CACHE_CHECK([for CFLocaleCopyCurrent], gt_cv_func_CFLocaleCopyCurrent, - [gt_save_LIBS="$LIBS" - LIBS="$LIBS -Wl,-framework -Wl,CoreFoundation" - AC_TRY_LINK([#include ], [CFLocaleCopyCurrent();], - [gt_cv_func_CFLocaleCopyCurrent=yes], - [gt_cv_func_CFLocaleCopyCurrent=no]) - LIBS="$gt_save_LIBS"]) - if test $gt_cv_func_CFLocaleCopyCurrent = yes; then - AC_DEFINE([HAVE_CFLOCALECOPYCURRENT], 1, - [Define to 1 if you have the MacOS X function CFLocaleCopyCurrent in the CoreFoundation framework.]) - fi - INTL_MACOSX_LIBS= - if test $gt_cv_func_CFPreferencesCopyAppValue = yes || test $gt_cv_func_CFLocaleCopyCurrent = yes; then - INTL_MACOSX_LIBS="-Wl,-framework -Wl,CoreFoundation" - fi - AC_SUBST([INTL_MACOSX_LIBS]) -]) - - dnl gt_NEEDS_INIT ensures that the gt_needs variable is initialized. m4_define([gt_NEEDS_INIT], [ diff --git a/m4/iconv.m4 b/m4/iconv.m4 index 654c4158..66bc76f4 100644 --- a/m4/iconv.m4 +++ b/m4/iconv.m4 @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -# iconv.m4 serial AM4 (gettext-0.11.3) -dnl Copyright (C) 2000-2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +# iconv.m4 serial AM6 (gettext-0.17) +dnl Copyright (C) 2000-2002, 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. dnl This file is free software; the Free Software Foundation dnl gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it, dnl with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved. @@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ AC_DEFUN([AM_ICONV_LINK], [ dnl Some systems have iconv in libc, some have it in libiconv (OSF/1 and dnl those with the standalone portable GNU libiconv installed). + AC_REQUIRE([AC_CANONICAL_HOST]) dnl for cross-compiles dnl Search for libiconv and define LIBICONV, LTLIBICONV and INCICONV dnl accordingly. @@ -33,7 +34,7 @@ AC_DEFUN([AM_ICONV_LINK], am_save_CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS" AC_LIB_APPENDTOVAR([CPPFLAGS], [$INCICONV]) - AC_CACHE_CHECK(for iconv, am_cv_func_iconv, [ + AC_CACHE_CHECK([for iconv], am_cv_func_iconv, [ am_cv_func_iconv="no, consider installing GNU libiconv" am_cv_lib_iconv=no AC_TRY_LINK([#include @@ -56,7 +57,85 @@ AC_DEFUN([AM_ICONV_LINK], fi ]) if test "$am_cv_func_iconv" = yes; then - AC_DEFINE(HAVE_ICONV, 1, [Define if you have the iconv() function.]) + AC_CACHE_CHECK([for working iconv], am_cv_func_iconv_works, [ + dnl This tests against bugs in AIX 5.1 and HP-UX 11.11. + am_save_LIBS="$LIBS" + if test $am_cv_lib_iconv = yes; then + LIBS="$LIBS $LIBICONV" + fi + AC_TRY_RUN([ +#include +#include +int main () +{ + /* Test against AIX 5.1 bug: Failures are not distinguishable from successful + returns. */ + { + iconv_t cd_utf8_to_88591 = iconv_open ("ISO8859-1", "UTF-8"); + if (cd_utf8_to_88591 != (iconv_t)(-1)) + { + static const char input[] = "\342\202\254"; /* EURO SIGN */ + char buf[10]; + const char *inptr = input; + size_t inbytesleft = strlen (input); + char *outptr = buf; + size_t outbytesleft = sizeof (buf); + size_t res = iconv (cd_utf8_to_88591, + (char **) &inptr, &inbytesleft, + &outptr, &outbytesleft); + if (res == 0) + return 1; + } + } +#if 0 /* This bug could be worked around by the caller. */ + /* Test against HP-UX 11.11 bug: Positive return value instead of 0. */ + { + iconv_t cd_88591_to_utf8 = iconv_open ("utf8", "iso88591"); + if (cd_88591_to_utf8 != (iconv_t)(-1)) + { + static const char input[] = "\304rger mit b\366sen B\374bchen ohne Augenma\337"; + char buf[50]; + const char *inptr = input; + size_t inbytesleft = strlen (input); + char *outptr = buf; + size_t outbytesleft = sizeof (buf); + size_t res = iconv (cd_88591_to_utf8, + (char **) &inptr, &inbytesleft, + &outptr, &outbytesleft); + if ((int)res > 0) + return 1; + } + } +#endif + /* Test against HP-UX 11.11 bug: No converter from EUC-JP to UTF-8 is + provided. */ + if (/* Try standardized names. */ + iconv_open ("UTF-8", "EUC-JP") == (iconv_t)(-1) + /* Try IRIX, OSF/1 names. */ + && iconv_open ("UTF-8", "eucJP") == (iconv_t)(-1) + /* Try AIX names. */ + && iconv_open ("UTF-8", "IBM-eucJP") == (iconv_t)(-1) + /* Try HP-UX names. */ + && iconv_open ("utf8", "eucJP") == (iconv_t)(-1)) + return 1; + return 0; +}], [am_cv_func_iconv_works=yes], [am_cv_func_iconv_works=no], + [case "$host_os" in + aix* | hpux*) am_cv_func_iconv_works="guessing no" ;; + *) am_cv_func_iconv_works="guessing yes" ;; + esac]) + LIBS="$am_save_LIBS" + ]) + case "$am_cv_func_iconv_works" in + *no) am_func_iconv=no am_cv_lib_iconv=no ;; + *) am_func_iconv=yes ;; + esac + else + am_func_iconv=no am_cv_lib_iconv=no + fi + if test "$am_func_iconv" = yes; then + AC_DEFINE(HAVE_ICONV, 1, + [Define if you have the iconv() function and it works.]) fi if test "$am_cv_lib_iconv" = yes; then AC_MSG_CHECKING([how to link with libiconv]) diff --git a/m4/lib-link.m4 b/m4/lib-link.m4 index f95b7ba8..e3d26fc4 100644 --- a/m4/lib-link.m4 +++ b/m4/lib-link.m4 @@ -1,17 +1,19 @@ -# lib-link.m4 serial 9 (gettext-0.16) -dnl Copyright (C) 2001-2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +# lib-link.m4 serial 13 (gettext-0.17) +dnl Copyright (C) 2001-2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. dnl This file is free software; the Free Software Foundation dnl gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it, dnl with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved. dnl From Bruno Haible. -AC_PREREQ(2.50) +AC_PREREQ(2.54) dnl AC_LIB_LINKFLAGS(name [, dependencies]) searches for libname and dnl the libraries corresponding to explicit and implicit dependencies. dnl Sets and AC_SUBSTs the LIB${NAME} and LTLIB${NAME} variables and dnl augments the CPPFLAGS variable. +dnl Sets and AC_SUBSTs the LIB${NAME}_PREFIX variable to nonempty if libname +dnl was found in ${LIB${NAME}_PREFIX}/$acl_libdirstem. AC_DEFUN([AC_LIB_LINKFLAGS], [ AC_REQUIRE([AC_LIB_PREPARE_PREFIX]) @@ -24,13 +26,16 @@ AC_DEFUN([AC_LIB_LINKFLAGS], ac_cv_lib[]Name[]_libs="$LIB[]NAME" ac_cv_lib[]Name[]_ltlibs="$LTLIB[]NAME" ac_cv_lib[]Name[]_cppflags="$INC[]NAME" + ac_cv_lib[]Name[]_prefix="$LIB[]NAME[]_PREFIX" ]) LIB[]NAME="$ac_cv_lib[]Name[]_libs" LTLIB[]NAME="$ac_cv_lib[]Name[]_ltlibs" INC[]NAME="$ac_cv_lib[]Name[]_cppflags" + LIB[]NAME[]_PREFIX="$ac_cv_lib[]Name[]_prefix" AC_LIB_APPENDTOVAR([CPPFLAGS], [$INC]NAME) AC_SUBST([LIB]NAME) AC_SUBST([LTLIB]NAME) + AC_SUBST([LIB]NAME[_PREFIX]) dnl Also set HAVE_LIB[]NAME so that AC_LIB_HAVE_LINKFLAGS can reuse the dnl results of this search when this library appears as a dependency. HAVE_LIB[]NAME=yes @@ -46,6 +51,8 @@ dnl sets and AC_SUBSTs HAVE_LIB${NAME}=yes and the LIB${NAME} and dnl LTLIB${NAME} variables and augments the CPPFLAGS variable, and dnl #defines HAVE_LIB${NAME} to 1. Otherwise, it sets and AC_SUBSTs dnl HAVE_LIB${NAME}=no and LIB${NAME} and LTLIB${NAME} to empty. +dnl Sets and AC_SUBSTs the LIB${NAME}_PREFIX variable to nonempty if libname +dnl was found in ${LIB${NAME}_PREFIX}/$acl_libdirstem. AC_DEFUN([AC_LIB_HAVE_LINKFLAGS], [ AC_REQUIRE([AC_LIB_PREPARE_PREFIX]) @@ -82,17 +89,23 @@ AC_DEFUN([AC_LIB_HAVE_LINKFLAGS], CPPFLAGS="$ac_save_CPPFLAGS" LIB[]NAME= LTLIB[]NAME= + LIB[]NAME[]_PREFIX= fi AC_SUBST([HAVE_LIB]NAME) AC_SUBST([LIB]NAME) AC_SUBST([LTLIB]NAME) + AC_SUBST([LIB]NAME[_PREFIX]) undefine([Name]) undefine([NAME]) ]) dnl Determine the platform dependent parameters needed to use rpath: -dnl libext, shlibext, hardcode_libdir_flag_spec, hardcode_libdir_separator, -dnl hardcode_direct, hardcode_minus_L. +dnl acl_libext, +dnl acl_shlibext, +dnl acl_hardcode_libdir_flag_spec, +dnl acl_hardcode_libdir_separator, +dnl acl_hardcode_direct, +dnl acl_hardcode_minus_L. AC_DEFUN([AC_LIB_RPATH], [ dnl Tell automake >= 1.10 to complain if config.rpath is missing. @@ -109,12 +122,14 @@ AC_DEFUN([AC_LIB_RPATH], acl_cv_rpath=done ]) wl="$acl_cv_wl" - libext="$acl_cv_libext" - shlibext="$acl_cv_shlibext" - hardcode_libdir_flag_spec="$acl_cv_hardcode_libdir_flag_spec" - hardcode_libdir_separator="$acl_cv_hardcode_libdir_separator" - hardcode_direct="$acl_cv_hardcode_direct" - hardcode_minus_L="$acl_cv_hardcode_minus_L" + acl_libext="$acl_cv_libext" + acl_shlibext="$acl_cv_shlibext" + acl_libname_spec="$acl_cv_libname_spec" + acl_library_names_spec="$acl_cv_library_names_spec" + acl_hardcode_libdir_flag_spec="$acl_cv_hardcode_libdir_flag_spec" + acl_hardcode_libdir_separator="$acl_cv_hardcode_libdir_separator" + acl_hardcode_direct="$acl_cv_hardcode_direct" + acl_hardcode_minus_L="$acl_cv_hardcode_minus_L" dnl Determine whether the user wants rpath handling at all. AC_ARG_ENABLE(rpath, [ --disable-rpath do not hardcode runtime library paths], @@ -124,20 +139,24 @@ AC_DEFUN([AC_LIB_RPATH], dnl AC_LIB_LINKFLAGS_BODY(name [, dependencies]) searches for libname and dnl the libraries corresponding to explicit and implicit dependencies. dnl Sets the LIB${NAME}, LTLIB${NAME} and INC${NAME} variables. +dnl Also, sets the LIB${NAME}_PREFIX variable to nonempty if libname was found +dnl in ${LIB${NAME}_PREFIX}/$acl_libdirstem. AC_DEFUN([AC_LIB_LINKFLAGS_BODY], [ AC_REQUIRE([AC_LIB_PREPARE_MULTILIB]) define([NAME],[translit([$1],[abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz./-], [ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ___])]) + dnl Autoconf >= 2.61 supports dots in --with options. + define([N_A_M_E],[m4_if(m4_version_compare(m4_defn([m4_PACKAGE_VERSION]),[2.61]),[-1],[translit([$1],[.],[_])],[$1])]) dnl By default, look in $includedir and $libdir. use_additional=yes AC_LIB_WITH_FINAL_PREFIX([ eval additional_includedir=\"$includedir\" eval additional_libdir=\"$libdir\" ]) - AC_LIB_ARG_WITH([lib$1-prefix], -[ --with-lib$1-prefix[=DIR] search for lib$1 in DIR/include and DIR/lib - --without-lib$1-prefix don't search for lib$1 in includedir and libdir], + AC_LIB_ARG_WITH([lib]N_A_M_E[-prefix], +[ --with-lib]N_A_M_E[-prefix[=DIR] search for lib$1 in DIR/include and DIR/lib + --without-lib]N_A_M_E[-prefix don't search for lib$1 in includedir and libdir], [ if test "X$withval" = "Xno"; then use_additional=no @@ -158,6 +177,7 @@ AC_DEFUN([AC_LIB_LINKFLAGS_BODY], LIB[]NAME= LTLIB[]NAME= INC[]NAME= + LIB[]NAME[]_PREFIX= rpathdirs= ltrpathdirs= names_already_handled= @@ -197,27 +217,53 @@ AC_DEFUN([AC_LIB_LINKFLAGS_BODY], found_la= found_so= found_a= + eval libname=\"$acl_libname_spec\" # typically: libname=lib$name + if test -n "$acl_shlibext"; then + shrext=".$acl_shlibext" # typically: + else + shrext= + fi if test $use_additional = yes; then - if test -n "$shlibext" \ - && { test -f "$additional_libdir/lib$name.$shlibext" \ - || { test "$shlibext" = dll \ - && test -f "$additional_libdir/lib$name.dll.a"; }; }; then - found_dir="$additional_libdir" - if test -f "$additional_libdir/lib$name.$shlibext"; then - found_so="$additional_libdir/lib$name.$shlibext" + dir="$additional_libdir" + dnl The same code as in the loop below: + dnl First look for a shared library. + if test -n "$acl_shlibext"; then + if test -f "$dir/$libname$shrext"; then + found_dir="$dir" + found_so="$dir/$libname$shrext" else - found_so="$additional_libdir/lib$name.dll.a" + if test "$acl_library_names_spec" = '$libname$shrext$versuffix'; then + ver=`(cd "$dir" && \ + for f in "$libname$shrext".*; do echo "$f"; done \ + | sed -e "s,^$libname$shrext\\\\.,," \ + | sort -t '.' -n -r -k1,1 -k2,2 -k3,3 -k4,4 -k5,5 \ + | sed 1q ) 2>/dev/null` + if test -n "$ver" && test -f "$dir/$libname$shrext.$ver"; then + found_dir="$dir" + found_so="$dir/$libname$shrext.$ver" + fi + else + eval library_names=\"$acl_library_names_spec\" + for f in $library_names; do + if test -f "$dir/$f"; then + found_dir="$dir" + found_so="$dir/$f" + break + fi + done + fi fi - if test -f "$additional_libdir/lib$"; then - found_la="$additional_libdir/lib$" + fi + dnl Then look for a static library. + if test "X$found_dir" = "X"; then + if test -f "$dir/$libname.$acl_libext"; then + found_dir="$dir" + found_a="$dir/$libname.$acl_libext" fi - else - if test -f "$additional_libdir/lib$name.$libext"; then - found_dir="$additional_libdir" - found_a="$additional_libdir/lib$name.$libext" - if test -f "$additional_libdir/lib$"; then - found_la="$additional_libdir/lib$" - fi + fi + if test "X$found_dir" != "X"; then + if test -f "$dir/$"; then + found_la="$dir/$" fi fi fi @@ -227,26 +273,44 @@ AC_DEFUN([AC_LIB_LINKFLAGS_BODY], case "$x" in -L*) dir=`echo "X$x" | sed -e 's/^X-L//'` - if test -n "$shlibext" \ - && { test -f "$dir/lib$name.$shlibext" \ - || { test "$shlibext" = dll \ - && test -f "$dir/lib$name.dll.a"; }; }; then - found_dir="$dir" - if test -f "$dir/lib$name.$shlibext"; then - found_so="$dir/lib$name.$shlibext" + dnl First look for a shared library. + if test -n "$acl_shlibext"; then + if test -f "$dir/$libname$shrext"; then + found_dir="$dir" + found_so="$dir/$libname$shrext" else - found_so="$dir/lib$name.dll.a" - fi - if test -f "$dir/lib$"; then - found_la="$dir/lib$" + if test "$acl_library_names_spec" = '$libname$shrext$versuffix'; then + ver=`(cd "$dir" && \ + for f in "$libname$shrext".*; do echo "$f"; done \ + | sed -e "s,^$libname$shrext\\\\.,," \ + | sort -t '.' -n -r -k1,1 -k2,2 -k3,3 -k4,4 -k5,5 \ + | sed 1q ) 2>/dev/null` + if test -n "$ver" && test -f "$dir/$libname$shrext.$ver"; then + found_dir="$dir" + found_so="$dir/$libname$shrext.$ver" + fi + else + eval library_names=\"$acl_library_names_spec\" + for f in $library_names; do + if test -f "$dir/$f"; then + found_dir="$dir" + found_so="$dir/$f" + break + fi + done + fi fi - else - if test -f "$dir/lib$name.$libext"; then + fi + dnl Then look for a static library. + if test "X$found_dir" = "X"; then + if test -f "$dir/$libname.$acl_libext"; then found_dir="$dir" - found_a="$dir/lib$name.$libext" - if test -f "$dir/lib$"; then - found_la="$dir/lib$" - fi + found_a="$dir/$libname.$acl_libext" + fi + fi + if test "X$found_dir" != "X"; then + if test -f "$dir/$"; then + found_la="$dir/$" fi fi ;; @@ -282,12 +346,12 @@ AC_DEFUN([AC_LIB_LINKFLAGS_BODY], ltrpathdirs="$ltrpathdirs $found_dir" fi dnl The hardcoding into $LIBNAME is system dependent. - if test "$hardcode_direct" = yes; then + if test "$acl_hardcode_direct" = yes; then dnl Using DIR/ during linking hardcodes DIR into the dnl resulting binary. LIB[]NAME="${LIB[]NAME}${LIB[]NAME:+ }$found_so" else - if test -n "$hardcode_libdir_flag_spec" && test "$hardcode_minus_L" = no; then + if test -n "$acl_hardcode_libdir_flag_spec" && test "$acl_hardcode_minus_L" = no; then dnl Use an explicit option to hardcode DIR into the resulting dnl binary. LIB[]NAME="${LIB[]NAME}${LIB[]NAME:+ }$found_so" @@ -318,13 +382,13 @@ AC_DEFUN([AC_LIB_LINKFLAGS_BODY], if test -z "$haveit"; then LIB[]NAME="${LIB[]NAME}${LIB[]NAME:+ }-L$found_dir" fi - if test "$hardcode_minus_L" != no; then + if test "$acl_hardcode_minus_L" != no; then dnl FIXME: Not sure whether we should use dnl "-L$found_dir -l$name" or "-L$found_dir $found_so" dnl here. LIB[]NAME="${LIB[]NAME}${LIB[]NAME:+ }$found_so" else - dnl We cannot use $hardcode_runpath_var and LD_RUN_PATH + dnl We cannot use $acl_hardcode_runpath_var and LD_RUN_PATH dnl here, because this doesn't fit in flags passed to the dnl compiler. So give up. No hardcoding. This affects only dnl very old systems. @@ -351,6 +415,7 @@ AC_DEFUN([AC_LIB_LINKFLAGS_BODY], case "$found_dir" in */$acl_libdirstem | */$acl_libdirstem/) basedir=`echo "X$found_dir" | sed -e 's,^X,,' -e "s,/$acl_libdirstem/"'*$,,'` + LIB[]NAME[]_PREFIX="$basedir" additional_includedir="$basedir/include" ;; esac @@ -512,18 +577,18 @@ AC_DEFUN([AC_LIB_LINKFLAGS_BODY], done done if test "X$rpathdirs" != "X"; then - if test -n "$hardcode_libdir_separator"; then + if test -n "$acl_hardcode_libdir_separator"; then dnl Weird platform: only the last -rpath option counts, the user must dnl pass all path elements in one option. We can arrange that for a dnl single library, but not when more than one $LIBNAMEs are used. alldirs= for found_dir in $rpathdirs; do - alldirs="${alldirs}${alldirs:+$hardcode_libdir_separator}$found_dir" + alldirs="${alldirs}${alldirs:+$acl_hardcode_libdir_separator}$found_dir" done - dnl Note: hardcode_libdir_flag_spec uses $libdir and $wl. + dnl Note: acl_hardcode_libdir_flag_spec uses $libdir and $wl. acl_save_libdir="$libdir" libdir="$alldirs" - eval flag=\"$hardcode_libdir_flag_spec\" + eval flag=\"$acl_hardcode_libdir_flag_spec\" libdir="$acl_save_libdir" LIB[]NAME="${LIB[]NAME}${LIB[]NAME:+ }$flag" else @@ -531,7 +596,7 @@ AC_DEFUN([AC_LIB_LINKFLAGS_BODY], for found_dir in $rpathdirs; do acl_save_libdir="$libdir" libdir="$found_dir" - eval flag=\"$hardcode_libdir_flag_spec\" + eval flag=\"$acl_hardcode_libdir_flag_spec\" libdir="$acl_save_libdir" LIB[]NAME="${LIB[]NAME}${LIB[]NAME:+ }$flag" done @@ -580,7 +645,7 @@ AC_DEFUN([AC_LIB_LINKFLAGS_FROM_LIBS], AC_REQUIRE([AC_LIB_PREPARE_MULTILIB]) $1= if test "$enable_rpath" != no; then - if test -n "$hardcode_libdir_flag_spec" && test "$hardcode_minus_L" = no; then + if test -n "$acl_hardcode_libdir_flag_spec" && test "$acl_hardcode_minus_L" = no; then dnl Use an explicit option to hardcode directories into the resulting dnl binary. rpathdirs= @@ -614,16 +679,16 @@ AC_DEFUN([AC_LIB_LINKFLAGS_FROM_LIBS], done else dnl The linker is used for linking directly. - if test -n "$hardcode_libdir_separator"; then + if test -n "$acl_hardcode_libdir_separator"; then dnl Weird platform: only the last -rpath option counts, the user dnl must pass all path elements in one option. alldirs= for dir in $rpathdirs; do - alldirs="${alldirs}${alldirs:+$hardcode_libdir_separator}$dir" + alldirs="${alldirs}${alldirs:+$acl_hardcode_libdir_separator}$dir" done acl_save_libdir="$libdir" libdir="$alldirs" - eval flag=\"$hardcode_libdir_flag_spec\" + eval flag=\"$acl_hardcode_libdir_flag_spec\" libdir="$acl_save_libdir" $1="$flag" else @@ -631,7 +696,7 @@ AC_DEFUN([AC_LIB_LINKFLAGS_FROM_LIBS], for dir in $rpathdirs; do acl_save_libdir="$libdir" libdir="$dir" - eval flag=\"$hardcode_libdir_flag_spec\" + eval flag=\"$acl_hardcode_libdir_flag_spec\" libdir="$acl_save_libdir" $1="${$1}${$1:+ }$flag" done diff --git a/m4/po.m4 b/m4/po.m4 index 00133ef3..0734762a 100644 --- a/m4/po.m4 +++ b/m4/po.m4 @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -# po.m4 serial 13 (gettext-0.15) -dnl Copyright (C) 1995-2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +# po.m4 serial 15 (gettext-0.17) +dnl Copyright (C) 1995-2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. dnl This file is free software; the Free Software Foundation dnl gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it, dnl with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved. @@ -27,6 +27,10 @@ AC_DEFUN([AM_PO_SUBDIRS], AC_REQUIRE([AM_PROG_MKDIR_P])dnl defined by automake AC_REQUIRE([AM_NLS])dnl + dnl Release version of the gettext macros. This is used to ensure that + dnl the gettext macros and po/ are in sync. + AC_SUBST([GETTEXT_MACRO_VERSION], [0.17]) + dnl Perform the following tests also if --disable-nls has been given, dnl because they are needed for "make dist" to work. @@ -84,6 +88,10 @@ changequote([,])dnl test -n "$localedir" || localedir='${datadir}/locale' AC_SUBST([localedir]) + dnl Support for AM_XGETTEXT_OPTION. + test -n "${XGETTEXT_EXTRA_OPTIONS+set}" || XGETTEXT_EXTRA_OPTIONS= + AC_SUBST([XGETTEXT_EXTRA_OPTIONS]) + AC_CONFIG_COMMANDS([po-directories], [[ for ac_file in $CONFIG_FILES; do # Support "outfile[:infile[:infile...]]" @@ -426,3 +434,16 @@ EOF fi mv "$ac_file.tmp" "$ac_file" ]) + +dnl Initializes the accumulator used by AM_XGETTEXT_OPTION. +AC_DEFUN([AM_XGETTEXT_OPTION_INIT], +[ + XGETTEXT_EXTRA_OPTIONS= +]) + +dnl Registers an option to be passed to xgettext in the po subdirectory. +AC_DEFUN([AM_XGETTEXT_OPTION], +[ + AC_REQUIRE([AM_XGETTEXT_OPTION_INIT]) + XGETTEXT_EXTRA_OPTIONS="$XGETTEXT_EXTRA_OPTIONS $1" +]) diff --git a/po/ b/po/ index 27cbb1bf..0df87cac 100644 --- a/po/ +++ b/po/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ # Makefile for PO directory in any package using GNU gettext. -# Copyright (C) 1995-1997, 2000-2006 by Ulrich Drepper +# Copyright (C) 1995-1997, 2000-2007 by Ulrich Drepper # # This file can be copied and used freely without restrictions. It can # be used in projects which are not available under the GNU General Public @@ -8,7 +8,8 @@ # Please note that the actual code of GNU gettext is covered by the GNU # General Public License and is *not* in the public domain. # -# Origin: gettext-0.16 +# Origin: gettext-0.17 +GETTEXT_MACRO_VERSION = 0.17 PACKAGE = @PACKAGE@ VERSION = @VERSION@ @@ -95,11 +96,18 @@ CATALOGS = @CATALOGS@ mv t-$@ $@ -all: all-@USE_NLS@ +all: check-macro-version all-@USE_NLS@ -all-yes: $(CATALOGS) +all-yes: stamp-po all-no: +# Ensure that the gettext macros and this are in sync. +check-macro-version: + @test "$(GETTEXT_MACRO_VERSION)" = "@GETTEXT_MACRO_VERSION@" \ + || { echo "*** error: gettext infrastructure mismatch: using a from gettext version $(GETTEXT_MACRO_VERSION) but the autoconf macros are from gettext version @GETTEXT_MACRO_VERSION@" 1>&2; \ + exit 1; \ + } + # $(srcdir)/$(DOMAIN).pot is only created when needed. When xgettext finds no # internationalized messages, no $(srcdir)/$(DOMAIN).pot is created (because # we don't want to bother translators with empty POT files). We assume that @@ -130,16 +138,34 @@ stamp-po: $(srcdir)/$(DOMAIN).pot # This target rebuilds $(DOMAIN).pot; it is an expensive operation. # Note that $(DOMAIN).pot is not touched if it doesn't need to be changed. $(DOMAIN).pot-update: $(POTFILES) $(srcdir)/ remove-potcdate.sed + if LC_ALL=C grep 'GNU @PACKAGE@' $(top_srcdir)/* 2>/dev/null | grep -v 'libtool:' >/dev/null; then \ + package_gnu='GNU '; \ + else \ + package_gnu=''; \ + fi; \ if test -n '$(MSGID_BUGS_ADDRESS)' || test '$(PACKAGE_BUGREPORT)' = '@'PACKAGE_BUGREPORT'@'; then \ msgid_bugs_address='$(MSGID_BUGS_ADDRESS)'; \ else \ msgid_bugs_address='$(PACKAGE_BUGREPORT)'; \ fi; \ - $(XGETTEXT) --default-domain=$(DOMAIN) --directory=$(top_srcdir) \ - --add-comments=TRANSLATORS: $(XGETTEXT_OPTIONS) \ - --files-from=$(srcdir)/ \ - --copyright-holder='$(COPYRIGHT_HOLDER)' \ - --msgid-bugs-address="$$msgid_bugs_address" + case `$(XGETTEXT) --version | sed 1q | sed -e 's,^[^0-9]*,,'` in \ + '' | 0.[0-9] | 0.[0-9].* | 0.1[0-5] | 0.1[0-5].* | 0.16 | 0.16.[0-1]*) \ + $(XGETTEXT) --default-domain=$(DOMAIN) --directory=$(top_srcdir) \ + --add-comments=TRANSLATORS: $(XGETTEXT_OPTIONS) @XGETTEXT_EXTRA_OPTIONS@ \ + --files-from=$(srcdir)/ \ + --copyright-holder='$(COPYRIGHT_HOLDER)' \ + --msgid-bugs-address="$$msgid_bugs_address" \ + ;; \ + *) \ + $(XGETTEXT) --default-domain=$(DOMAIN) --directory=$(top_srcdir) \ + --add-comments=TRANSLATORS: $(XGETTEXT_OPTIONS) @XGETTEXT_EXTRA_OPTIONS@ \ + --files-from=$(srcdir)/ \ + --copyright-holder='$(COPYRIGHT_HOLDER)' \ + --package-name="$${package_gnu}@PACKAGE@" \ + --package-version='@VERSION@' \ + --msgid-bugs-address="$$msgid_bugs_address" \ + ;; \ + esac test ! -f $(DOMAIN).po || { \ if test -f $(srcdir)/$(DOMAIN).pot; then \ sed -f remove-potcdate.sed < $(srcdir)/$(DOMAIN).pot > $(DOMAIN).1po && \ @@ -163,15 +189,15 @@ $(srcdir)/$(DOMAIN).pot: # This target rebuilds a PO file if $(DOMAIN).pot has changed. # Note that a PO file is not touched if it doesn't need to be changed. -#$(POFILES): $(srcdir)/$(DOMAIN).pot -# @lang=`echo $@ | sed -e 's,.*/,,' -e 's/\.po$$//'`; \ -# if test -f "$(srcdir)/$${lang}.po"; then \ -# test "$(srcdir)" = . && cdcmd="" || cdcmd="cd $(srcdir) && "; \ -# echo "$${cdcmd}$(MSGMERGE_UPDATE) $${lang}.po $(DOMAIN).pot"; \ -# cd $(srcdir) && $(MSGMERGE_UPDATE) $${lang}.po $(DOMAIN).pot; \ -# else \ -# $(MAKE) $${lang}.po-create; \ -# fi +$(POFILES): $(srcdir)/$(DOMAIN).pot + @lang=`echo $@ | sed -e 's,.*/,,' -e 's/\.po$$//'`; \ + if test -f "$(srcdir)/$${lang}.po"; then \ + test "$(srcdir)" = . && cdcmd="" || cdcmd="cd $(srcdir) && "; \ + echo "$${cdcmd}$(MSGMERGE_UPDATE) $${lang}.po $(DOMAIN).pot"; \ + cd $(srcdir) && $(MSGMERGE_UPDATE) $${lang}.po $(DOMAIN).pot; \ + else \ + $(MAKE) $${lang}.po-create; \ + fi install: install-exec install-data @@ -312,7 +338,7 @@ mostlyclean: clean: mostlyclean distclean: clean - rm -f Makefile POTFILES *.mo en_US.po + rm -f Makefile POTFILES *.mo maintainer-clean: distclean @echo "This command is intended for maintainers to use;" @@ -392,9 +418,13 @@ $(DUMMYPOFILES): update-gmo: Makefile $(GMOFILES) @: +# Recreate Makefile by invoking config.status. Explicitly invoke the shell, +# because execution permission bits may not work on the current file system. +# Use @SHELL@, which is the shell determined by autoconf for the use by its +# scripts, not $(SHELL) which is hardwired to /bin/sh and may be deficient. Makefile: Makevars $(top_builddir)/config.status @POMAKEFILEDEPS@ cd $(top_builddir) \ - && $(SHELL) ./config.status $(subdir)/$ po-directories + && @SHELL@ ./config.status $(subdir)/$ po-directories force: diff --git a/po/stamp-po b/po/stamp-po new file mode 100644 index 00000000..9788f702 --- /dev/null +++ b/po/stamp-po @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +timestamp diff --git a/po/wget.pot b/po/wget.pot new file mode 100644 index 00000000..7220e72b --- /dev/null +++ b/po/wget.pot @@ -0,0 +1,1974 @@ +# SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. +# Copyright (C) YEAR Free Software Foundation, Inc. +# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. +# FIRST AUTHOR , YEAR. +# +#, fuzzy +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-09-02 01:15-0700\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" +"Last-Translator: FULL NAME \n" +"Language-Team: LANGUAGE \n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=CHARSET\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=INTEGER; plural=EXPRESSION;\n" + +#: lib/error.c:125 +msgid "Unknown system error" +msgstr "" + +#: lib/getopt.c:526 lib/getopt.c:542 +#, c-format +msgid "%s: option `%s' is ambiguous\n" +msgstr "" + +#: lib/getopt.c:575 lib/getopt.c:579 +#, c-format +msgid "%s: option `--%s' doesn't allow an argument\n" +msgstr "" + +#: lib/getopt.c:588 lib/getopt.c:593 +#, c-format +msgid "%s: option `%c%s' doesn't allow an argument\n" +msgstr "" + +#: lib/getopt.c:636 lib/getopt.c:655 lib/getopt.c:971 lib/getopt.c:990 +#, c-format +msgid "%s: option `%s' requires an argument\n" +msgstr "" + +#: lib/getopt.c:693 lib/getopt.c:696 +#, c-format +msgid "%s: unrecognized option `--%s'\n" +msgstr "" + +#: lib/getopt.c:704 lib/getopt.c:707 +#, c-format +msgid "%s: unrecognized option `%c%s'\n" +msgstr "" + +#: lib/getopt.c:759 lib/getopt.c:762 +#, c-format +msgid "%s: illegal option -- %c\n" +msgstr "" + +#: lib/getopt.c:768 lib/getopt.c:771 +#, c-format +msgid "%s: invalid option -- %c\n" +msgstr "" + +#: lib/getopt.c:823 lib/getopt.c:839 lib/getopt.c:1043 lib/getopt.c:1061 +#, c-format +msgid "%s: option requires an argument -- %c\n" +msgstr "" + +#: lib/getopt.c:892 lib/getopt.c:908 +#, c-format +msgid "%s: option `-W %s' is ambiguous\n" +msgstr "" + +#: lib/getopt.c:932 lib/getopt.c:950 +#, c-format +msgid "%s: option `-W %s' doesn't allow an argument\n" +msgstr "" + +#. TRANSLATORS: +#. Get translations for open and closing quotation marks. +#. +#. The message catalog should translate "`" to a left +#. quotation mark suitable for the locale, and similarly for +#. "'". If the catalog has no translation, +#. locale_quoting_style quotes `like this', and +#. clocale_quoting_style quotes "like this". +#. +#. For example, an American English Unicode locale should +#. translate "`" to U+201C (LEFT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK), and +#. should translate "'" to U+201D (RIGHT DOUBLE QUOTATION +#. MARK). A British English Unicode locale should instead +#. translate these to U+2018 (LEFT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK) and +#. U+2019 (RIGHT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK), respectively. +#. +#. If you don't know what to put here, please see +#. +#. and use glyphs suitable for your language. +#: lib/quotearg.c:249 +msgid "`" +msgstr "" + +#: lib/quotearg.c:250 +msgid "'" +msgstr "" + +#: lib/xalloc-die.c:34 +msgid "memory exhausted" +msgstr "" + +#: src/connect.c:207 +#, c-format +msgid "%s: unable to resolve bind address %s; disabling bind.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/connect.c:291 +#, c-format +msgid "Connecting to %s|%s|:%d... " +msgstr "" + +#: src/connect.c:298 +#, c-format +msgid "Connecting to %s:%d... " +msgstr "" + +#: src/connect.c:358 +msgid "connected.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/connect.c:370 src/host.c:780 src/host.c:809 +#, c-format +msgid "failed: %s.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/connect.c:394 src/http.c:1674 +#, c-format +msgid "%s: unable to resolve host address %s\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/convert.c:185 +#, c-format +msgid "Converted %d files in %s seconds.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/convert.c:213 +#, c-format +msgid "Converting %s... " +msgstr "" + +#: src/convert.c:226 +msgid "nothing to do.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/convert.c:234 src/convert.c:258 +#, c-format +msgid "Cannot convert links in %s: %s\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/convert.c:249 +#, c-format +msgid "Unable to delete %s: %s\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/convert.c:464 +#, c-format +msgid "Cannot back up %s as %s: %s\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/cookies.c:443 +#, c-format +msgid "Syntax error in Set-Cookie: %s at position %d.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/cookies.c:686 +#, c-format +msgid "Cookie coming from %s attempted to set domain to %s\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/cookies.c:1134 src/cookies.c:1252 +#, c-format +msgid "Cannot open cookies file %s: %s\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/cookies.c:1289 +#, c-format +msgid "Error writing to %s: %s\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/cookies.c:1292 +#, c-format +msgid "Error closing %s: %s\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/ftp-ls.c:1065 +msgid "Unsupported listing type, trying Unix listing parser.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/ftp-ls.c:1116 src/ftp-ls.c:1118 +#, c-format +msgid "Index of /%s on %s:%d" +msgstr "" + +#: src/ftp-ls.c:1143 +#, c-format +msgid "time unknown " +msgstr "" + +#: src/ftp-ls.c:1147 +#, c-format +msgid "File " +msgstr "" + +#: src/ftp-ls.c:1150 +#, c-format +msgid "Directory " +msgstr "" + +#: src/ftp-ls.c:1153 +#, c-format +msgid "Link " +msgstr "" + +#: src/ftp-ls.c:1156 +#, c-format +msgid "Not sure " +msgstr "" + +#: src/ftp-ls.c:1179 +#, c-format +msgid " (%s bytes)" +msgstr "" + +#: src/ftp.c:221 +#, c-format +msgid "Length: %s" +msgstr "" + +#: src/ftp.c:227 src/http.c:2253 +#, c-format +msgid ", %s (%s) remaining" +msgstr "" + +#: src/ftp.c:231 src/http.c:2257 +#, c-format +msgid ", %s remaining" +msgstr "" + +#: src/ftp.c:234 +msgid " (unauthoritative)\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/ftp.c:312 +#, c-format +msgid "Logging in as %s ... " +msgstr "" + +#: src/ftp.c:326 src/ftp.c:372 src/ftp.c:401 src/ftp.c:466 src/ftp.c:696 +#: src/ftp.c:749 src/ftp.c:778 src/ftp.c:835 src/ftp.c:896 src/ftp.c:988 +#: src/ftp.c:1035 +msgid "Error in server response, closing control connection.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/ftp.c:333 +msgid "Error in server greeting.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/ftp.c:340 src/ftp.c:474 src/ftp.c:704 src/ftp.c:786 src/ftp.c:845 +#: src/ftp.c:906 src/ftp.c:998 src/ftp.c:1045 +msgid "Write failed, closing control connection.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/ftp.c:346 +msgid "The server refuses login.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/ftp.c:352 +msgid "Login incorrect.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/ftp.c:358 +msgid "Logged in!\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/ftp.c:380 +msgid "Server error, can't determine system type.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/ftp.c:389 src/ftp.c:822 src/ftp.c:879 src/ftp.c:922 +msgid "done. " +msgstr "" + +#: src/ftp.c:454 src/ftp.c:721 src/ftp.c:761 src/ftp.c:1018 src/ftp.c:1064 +msgid "done.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/ftp.c:481 +#, c-format +msgid "Unknown type `%c', closing control connection.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/ftp.c:493 +msgid "done. " +msgstr "" + +#: src/ftp.c:499 +msgid "==> CWD not needed.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/ftp.c:710 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"No such directory %s.\n" +"\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/ftp.c:731 +msgid "==> CWD not required.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/ftp.c:792 +msgid "Cannot initiate PASV transfer.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/ftp.c:796 +msgid "Cannot parse PASV response.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/ftp.c:813 +#, c-format +msgid "couldn't connect to %s port %d: %s\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/ftp.c:861 +#, c-format +msgid "Bind error (%s).\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/ftp.c:867 +msgid "Invalid PORT.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/ftp.c:913 +msgid "" +"\n" +"REST failed, starting from scratch.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/ftp.c:954 +#, c-format +msgid "File %s exists.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/ftp.c:960 +#, c-format +msgid "No such file %s.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/ftp.c:1006 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"No such file %s.\n" +"\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/ftp.c:1053 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"No such file or directory %s.\n" +"\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/ftp.c:1184 src/http.c:2344 +#, c-format +msgid "%s has sprung into existence.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/ftp.c:1236 +#, c-format +msgid "%s: %s, closing control connection.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/ftp.c:1245 +#, c-format +msgid "%s (%s) - Data connection: %s; " +msgstr "" + +#: src/ftp.c:1260 +msgid "Control connection closed.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/ftp.c:1278 +msgid "Data transfer aborted.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/ftp.c:1378 +#, c-format +msgid "File %s already there; not retrieving.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/ftp.c:1444 src/http.c:2529 +#, c-format +msgid "(try:%2d)" +msgstr "" + +#: src/ftp.c:1519 src/http.c:2873 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"%s (%s) - written to stdout %s[%s]\n" +"\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/ftp.c:1520 src/http.c:2874 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"%s (%s) - %s saved [%s]\n" +"\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/ftp.c:1565 src/main.c:1299 src/recur.c:438 src/retr.c:990 +#, c-format +msgid "Removing %s.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/ftp.c:1607 +#, c-format +msgid "Using %s as listing tmp file.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/ftp.c:1624 +#, c-format +msgid "Removed %s.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/ftp.c:1661 +#, c-format +msgid "Recursion depth %d exceeded max. depth %d.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/ftp.c:1731 +#, c-format +msgid "Remote file no newer than local file %s -- not retrieving.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/ftp.c:1738 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Remote file is newer than local file %s -- retrieving.\n" +"\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/ftp.c:1745 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"The sizes do not match (local %s) -- retrieving.\n" +"\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/ftp.c:1763 +msgid "Invalid name of the symlink, skipping.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/ftp.c:1780 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Already have correct symlink %s -> %s\n" +"\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/ftp.c:1789 +#, c-format +msgid "Creating symlink %s -> %s\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/ftp.c:1799 +#, c-format +msgid "Symlinks not supported, skipping symlink %s.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/ftp.c:1811 +#, c-format +msgid "Skipping directory %s.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/ftp.c:1820 +#, c-format +msgid "%s: unknown/unsupported file type.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/ftp.c:1857 +#, c-format +msgid "%s: corrupt time-stamp.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/ftp.c:1879 +#, c-format +msgid "Will not retrieve dirs since depth is %d (max %d).\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/ftp.c:1929 +#, c-format +msgid "Not descending to %s as it is excluded/not-included.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/ftp.c:1995 src/ftp.c:2009 +#, c-format +msgid "Rejecting %s.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/ftp.c:2032 +#, c-format +msgid "Error matching %s against %s: %s\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/ftp.c:2074 +#, c-format +msgid "No matches on pattern %s.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/ftp.c:2145 +#, c-format +msgid "Wrote HTML-ized index to %s [%s].\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/ftp.c:2150 +#, c-format +msgid "Wrote HTML-ized index to %s.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/gnutls.c:219 src/openssl.c:495 +msgid "ERROR" +msgstr "" + +#: src/gnutls.c:219 src/openssl.c:495 +msgid "WARNING" +msgstr "" + +#: src/gnutls.c:225 src/openssl.c:504 +#, c-format +msgid "%s: No certificate presented by %s.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/gnutls.c:233 +#, c-format +msgid "%s: The certificate of %s is not trusted.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/gnutls.c:239 +#, c-format +msgid "%s: The certificate of %s hasn't got a known issuer.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/gnutls.c:245 +#, c-format +msgid "%s: The certificate of %s has been revoked.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/gnutls.c:259 +#, c-format +msgid "Error initializing X509 certificate: %s\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/gnutls.c:268 +msgid "No certificate found\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/gnutls.c:275 +#, c-format +msgid "Error parsing certificate: %s\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/gnutls.c:282 +msgid "The certificate has not yet been activated\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/gnutls.c:287 +msgid "The certificate has expired\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/gnutls.c:293 +#, c-format +msgid "The certificate's owner does not match hostname %s\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/host.c:358 +msgid "Unknown host" +msgstr "" + +#: src/host.c:362 +msgid "Temporary failure in name resolution" +msgstr "" + +#: src/host.c:364 +msgid "Unknown error" +msgstr "" + +#: src/host.c:737 +#, c-format +msgid "Resolving %s... " +msgstr "" + +#: src/host.c:789 +msgid "failed: No IPv4/IPv6 addresses for host.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/host.c:812 +msgid "failed: timed out.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/html-url.c:286 +#, c-format +msgid "%s: Cannot resolve incomplete link %s.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/html-url.c:772 +#, c-format +msgid "%s: Invalid URL %s: %s\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/http.c:377 +#, c-format +msgid "Failed writing HTTP request: %s.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/http.c:754 +msgid "No headers, assuming HTTP/0.9" +msgstr "" + +#: src/http.c:1456 +msgid "Disabling SSL due to encountered errors.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/http.c:1576 +#, c-format +msgid "POST data file %s missing: %s\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/http.c:1660 +#, c-format +msgid "Reusing existing connection to %s:%d.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/http.c:1729 +#, c-format +msgid "Failed reading proxy response: %s\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/http.c:1750 +#, c-format +msgid "Proxy tunneling failed: %s" +msgstr "" + +#: src/http.c:1800 +#, c-format +msgid "%s request sent, awaiting response... " +msgstr "" + +#: src/http.c:1811 +msgid "No data received.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/http.c:1818 +#, c-format +msgid "Read error (%s) in headers.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/http.c:1932 +msgid "Unknown authentication scheme.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/http.c:1966 +msgid "Authorization failed.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/http.c:2004 src/http.c:2471 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"File %s already there; not retrieving.\n" +"\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/http.c:2093 +msgid "Malformed status line" +msgstr "" + +#: src/http.c:2095 +msgid "(no description)" +msgstr "" + +#: src/http.c:2154 +#, c-format +msgid "Location: %s%s\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/http.c:2155 src/http.c:2263 +msgid "unspecified" +msgstr "" + +#: src/http.c:2156 +msgid " [following]" +msgstr "" + +#: src/http.c:2208 +msgid "" +"\n" +" The file is already fully retrieved; nothing to do.\n" +"\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/http.c:2243 +msgid "Length: " +msgstr "" + +#: src/http.c:2263 +msgid "ignored" +msgstr "" + +#: src/http.c:2365 +#, c-format +msgid "Saving to: %s\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/http.c:2447 +msgid "Warning: wildcards not supported in HTTP.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/http.c:2518 +msgid "Spider mode enabled. Check if remote file exists.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/http.c:2603 +#, c-format +msgid "Cannot write to %s (%s).\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/http.c:2612 +msgid "Unable to establish SSL connection.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/http.c:2620 +#, c-format +msgid "ERROR: Redirection (%d) without location.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/http.c:2668 +msgid "Remote file does not exist -- broken link!!!\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/http.c:2673 +#, c-format +msgid "%s ERROR %d: %s.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/http.c:2690 +msgid "Last-modified header missing -- time-stamps turned off.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/http.c:2698 +msgid "Last-modified header invalid -- time-stamp ignored.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/http.c:2728 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Server file no newer than local file %s -- not retrieving.\n" +"\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/http.c:2736 +#, c-format +msgid "The sizes do not match (local %s) -- retrieving.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/http.c:2743 +msgid "Remote file is newer, retrieving.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/http.c:2760 +msgid "" +"Remote file exists and could contain links to other resources -- " +"retrieving.\n" +"\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/http.c:2766 +msgid "" +"Remote file exists but does not contain any link -- not retrieving.\n" +"\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/http.c:2775 +msgid "" +"Remote file exists and could contain further links,\n" +"but recursion is disabled -- not retrieving.\n" +"\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/http.c:2781 +msgid "" +"Remote file exists.\n" +"\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/http.c:2790 +#, c-format +msgid "%s URL: %s %2d %s\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/http.c:2837 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"%s (%s) - written to stdout %s[%s/%s]\n" +"\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/http.c:2838 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"%s (%s) - %s saved [%s/%s]\n" +"\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/http.c:2899 +#, c-format +msgid "%s (%s) - Connection closed at byte %s. " +msgstr "" + +#: src/http.c:2922 +#, c-format +msgid "%s (%s) - Read error at byte %s (%s)." +msgstr "" + +#: src/http.c:2931 +#, c-format +msgid "%s (%s) - Read error at byte %s/%s (%s). " +msgstr "" + +#: src/init.c:406 +#, c-format +msgid "%s: WGETRC points to %s, which doesn't exist.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/init.c:510 src/netrc.c:282 +#, c-format +msgid "%s: Cannot read %s (%s).\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/init.c:527 +#, c-format +msgid "%s: Error in %s at line %d.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/init.c:533 +#, c-format +msgid "%s: Syntax error in %s at line %d.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/init.c:538 +#, c-format +msgid "%s: Unknown command %s in %s at line %d.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/init.c:587 +#, c-format +msgid "%s: Warning: Both system and user wgetrc point to %s.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/init.c:777 +#, c-format +msgid "%s: Invalid --execute command %s\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/init.c:822 +#, c-format +msgid "%s: %s: Invalid boolean %s; use `on' or `off'.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/init.c:839 +#, c-format +msgid "%s: %s: Invalid number %s.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/init.c:1044 src/init.c:1063 +#, c-format +msgid "%s: %s: Invalid byte value %s\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/init.c:1088 +#, c-format +msgid "%s: %s: Invalid time period %s\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/init.c:1142 src/init.c:1232 src/init.c:1340 src/init.c:1365 +#, c-format +msgid "%s: %s: Invalid value %s.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/init.c:1179 +#, c-format +msgid "%s: %s: Invalid header %s.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/init.c:1245 +#, c-format +msgid "%s: %s: Invalid progress type %s.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/init.c:1306 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"%s: %s: Invalid restriction %s,\n" +" use [unix|windows],[lowercase|uppercase],[nocontrol],[ascii].\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/iri.c:104 +#, c-format +msgid "Encoding %s isn't valid\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/iri.c:132 +msgid "locale_to_utf8: locale is unset\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/iri.c:142 +#, c-format +msgid "Conversion from %s to %s isn't supported\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/iri.c:183 +msgid "Incomplete or invalid multibyte sequence encountered\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/iri.c:208 +#, c-format +msgid "Unhandled errno %d\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/iri.c:237 +#, c-format +msgid "idn_encode failed (%d): %s\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/iri.c:256 +#, c-format +msgid "idn_decode failed (%d): %s\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/log.c:809 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"\n" +"%s received, redirecting output to %s.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/log.c:819 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"\n" +"%s received.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/log.c:820 +#, c-format +msgid "%s: %s; disabling logging.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:386 +#, c-format +msgid "Usage: %s [OPTION]... [URL]...\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:398 +msgid "" +"Mandatory arguments to long options are mandatory for short options too.\n" +"\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:400 +msgid "Startup:\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:402 +msgid " -V, --version display the version of Wget and exit.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:404 +msgid " -h, --help print this help.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:406 +msgid " -b, --background go to background after startup.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:408 +msgid " -e, --execute=COMMAND execute a `.wgetrc'-style command.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:412 +msgid "Logging and input file:\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:414 +msgid " -o, --output-file=FILE log messages to FILE.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:416 +msgid " -a, --append-output=FILE append messages to FILE.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:419 +msgid " -d, --debug print lots of debugging information.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:423 +msgid " --wdebug print Watt-32 debug output.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:426 +msgid " -q, --quiet quiet (no output).\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:428 +msgid " -v, --verbose be verbose (this is the default).\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:430 +msgid "" +" -nv, --no-verbose turn off verboseness, without being quiet.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:432 +msgid "" +" -i, --input-file=FILE download URLs found in local or external FILE.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:434 +msgid " -F, --force-html treat input file as HTML.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:436 +msgid "" +" -B, --base=URL resolves HTML input-file links (-i -F)\n" +" relative to URL.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:441 +msgid "Download:\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:443 +msgid "" +" -t, --tries=NUMBER set number of retries to NUMBER (0 " +"unlimits).\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:445 +msgid " --retry-connrefused retry even if connection is refused.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:447 +msgid " -O, --output-document=FILE write documents to FILE.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:449 +msgid "" +" -nc, --no-clobber skip downloads that would download to\n" +" existing files.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:452 +msgid "" +" -c, --continue resume getting a partially-downloaded " +"file.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:454 +msgid " --progress=TYPE select progress gauge type.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:456 +msgid "" +" -N, --timestamping don't re-retrieve files unless newer than\n" +" local.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:459 +msgid " -S, --server-response print server response.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:461 +msgid " --spider don't download anything.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:463 +msgid " -T, --timeout=SECONDS set all timeout values to SECONDS.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:465 +msgid " --dns-timeout=SECS set the DNS lookup timeout to SECS.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:467 +msgid " --connect-timeout=SECS set the connect timeout to SECS.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:469 +msgid " --read-timeout=SECS set the read timeout to SECS.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:471 +msgid " -w, --wait=SECONDS wait SECONDS between retrievals.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:473 +msgid "" +" --waitretry=SECONDS wait 1..SECONDS between retries of a " +"retrieval.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:475 +msgid "" +" --random-wait wait from 0...2*WAIT secs between " +"retrievals.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:477 +msgid " --no-proxy explicitly turn off proxy.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:479 +msgid " -Q, --quota=NUMBER set retrieval quota to NUMBER.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:481 +msgid "" +" --bind-address=ADDRESS bind to ADDRESS (hostname or IP) on local " +"host.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:483 +msgid " --limit-rate=RATE limit download rate to RATE.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:485 +msgid " --no-dns-cache disable caching DNS lookups.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:487 +msgid "" +" --restrict-file-names=OS restrict chars in file names to ones OS " +"allows.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:489 +msgid "" +" --ignore-case ignore case when matching files/" +"directories.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:492 +msgid " -4, --inet4-only connect only to IPv4 addresses.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:494 +msgid " -6, --inet6-only connect only to IPv6 addresses.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:496 +msgid "" +" --prefer-family=FAMILY connect first to addresses of specified " +"family,\n" +" one of IPv6, IPv4, or none.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:500 +msgid " --user=USER set both ftp and http user to USER.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:502 +msgid "" +" --password=PASS set both ftp and http password to PASS.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:504 +msgid " --ask-password prompt for passwords.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:506 +msgid " --no-iri turn off IRI support.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:508 +msgid "" +" --local-encoding=ENC use ENC as the local encoding for IRIs.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:510 +msgid "" +" --remote-encoding=ENC use ENC as the default remote encoding.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:514 +msgid "Directories:\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:516 +msgid " -nd, --no-directories don't create directories.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:518 +msgid " -x, --force-directories force creation of directories.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:520 +msgid " -nH, --no-host-directories don't create host directories.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:522 +msgid " --protocol-directories use protocol name in directories.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:524 +msgid " -P, --directory-prefix=PREFIX save files to PREFIX/...\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:526 +msgid "" +" --cut-dirs=NUMBER ignore NUMBER remote directory " +"components.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:530 +msgid "HTTP options:\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:532 +msgid " --http-user=USER set http user to USER.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:534 +msgid " --http-password=PASS set http password to PASS.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:536 +msgid " --no-cache disallow server-cached data.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:538 +msgid "" +" --default-page=NAME Change the default page name (normally\n" +" this is `index.html'.).\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:541 +msgid "" +" -E, --adjust-extension save HTML/CSS documents with proper " +"extensions.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:543 +msgid " --ignore-length ignore `Content-Length' header field.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:545 +msgid " --header=STRING insert STRING among the headers.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:547 +msgid " --max-redirect maximum redirections allowed per page.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:549 +msgid " --proxy-user=USER set USER as proxy username.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:551 +msgid " --proxy-password=PASS set PASS as proxy password.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:553 +msgid "" +" --referer=URL include `Referer: URL' header in HTTP " +"request.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:555 +msgid " --save-headers save the HTTP headers to file.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:557 +msgid "" +" -U, --user-agent=AGENT identify as AGENT instead of Wget/VERSION.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:559 +msgid "" +" --no-http-keep-alive disable HTTP keep-alive (persistent " +"connections).\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:561 +msgid " --no-cookies don't use cookies.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:563 +msgid " --load-cookies=FILE load cookies from FILE before session.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:565 +msgid " --save-cookies=FILE save cookies to FILE after session.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:567 +msgid "" +" --keep-session-cookies load and save session (non-permanent) " +"cookies.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:569 +msgid "" +" --post-data=STRING use the POST method; send STRING as the " +"data.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:571 +msgid "" +" --post-file=FILE use the POST method; send contents of FILE.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:573 +msgid "" +" --content-disposition honor the Content-Disposition header when\n" +" choosing local file names (EXPERIMENTAL).\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:576 +msgid "" +" --auth-no-challenge send Basic HTTP authentication information\n" +" without first waiting for the server's\n" +" challenge.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:583 +msgid "HTTPS (SSL/TLS) options:\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:585 +msgid "" +" --secure-protocol=PR choose secure protocol, one of auto, SSLv2,\n" +" SSLv3, and TLSv1.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:588 +msgid "" +" --no-check-certificate don't validate the server's certificate.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:590 +msgid " --certificate=FILE client certificate file.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:592 +msgid " --certificate-type=TYPE client certificate type, PEM or DER.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:594 +msgid " --private-key=FILE private key file.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:596 +msgid " --private-key-type=TYPE private key type, PEM or DER.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:598 +msgid " --ca-certificate=FILE file with the bundle of CA's.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:600 +msgid "" +" --ca-directory=DIR directory where hash list of CA's is " +"stored.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:602 +msgid "" +" --random-file=FILE file with random data for seeding the SSL " +"PRNG.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:604 +msgid "" +" --egd-file=FILE file naming the EGD socket with random " +"data.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:609 +msgid "FTP options:\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:612 +msgid "" +" --ftp-stmlf Use Stream_LF format for all binary FTP " +"files.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:615 +msgid " --ftp-user=USER set ftp user to USER.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:617 +msgid " --ftp-password=PASS set ftp password to PASS.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:619 +msgid " --no-remove-listing don't remove `.listing' files.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:621 +msgid " --no-glob turn off FTP file name globbing.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:623 +msgid " --no-passive-ftp disable the \"passive\" transfer mode.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:625 +msgid "" +" --retr-symlinks when recursing, get linked-to files (not " +"dir).\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:629 +msgid "Recursive download:\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:631 +msgid " -r, --recursive specify recursive download.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:633 +msgid "" +" -l, --level=NUMBER maximum recursion depth (inf or 0 for " +"infinite).\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:635 +msgid "" +" --delete-after delete files locally after downloading them.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:637 +msgid "" +" -k, --convert-links make links in downloaded HTML or CSS point to\n" +" local files.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:641 +msgid "" +" -K, --backup-converted before converting file X, back up as X_orig.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:644 +msgid "" +" -K, --backup-converted before converting file X, back up as X.orig.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:647 +msgid "" +" -m, --mirror shortcut for -N -r -l inf --no-remove-listing.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:649 +msgid "" +" -p, --page-requisites get all images, etc. needed to display HTML " +"page.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:651 +msgid "" +" --strict-comments turn on strict (SGML) handling of HTML " +"comments.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:655 +msgid "Recursive accept/reject:\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:657 +msgid "" +" -A, --accept=LIST comma-separated list of accepted " +"extensions.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:659 +msgid "" +" -R, --reject=LIST comma-separated list of rejected " +"extensions.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:661 +msgid "" +" -D, --domains=LIST comma-separated list of accepted " +"domains.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:663 +msgid "" +" --exclude-domains=LIST comma-separated list of rejected " +"domains.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:665 +msgid "" +" --follow-ftp follow FTP links from HTML documents.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:667 +msgid "" +" --follow-tags=LIST comma-separated list of followed HTML " +"tags.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:669 +msgid "" +" --ignore-tags=LIST comma-separated list of ignored HTML " +"tags.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:671 +msgid "" +" -H, --span-hosts go to foreign hosts when recursive.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:673 +msgid " -L, --relative follow relative links only.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:675 +msgid " -I, --include-directories=LIST list of allowed directories.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:677 +msgid " -X, --exclude-directories=LIST list of excluded directories.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:679 +msgid "" +" -np, --no-parent don't ascend to the parent directory.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:683 +msgid "Mail bug reports and suggestions to .\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:688 +#, c-format +msgid "GNU Wget %s, a non-interactive network retriever.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:728 +#, c-format +msgid "Password for user %s: " +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:730 +#, c-format +msgid "Password: " +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:780 +msgid "Wgetrc: " +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:781 +msgid "Locale: " +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:782 +msgid "Compile: " +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:783 +msgid "Link: " +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:789 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"GNU Wget %s built on VMS %s %s.\n" +"\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:792 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"GNU Wget %s built on %s.\n" +"\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:815 +#, c-format +msgid " %s (env)\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:821 +#, c-format +msgid " %s (user)\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:825 +#, c-format +msgid " %s (system)\n" +msgstr "" + +#. TRANSLATORS: When available, an actual copyright character +#. (cirle-c) should be used in preference to "(C)". +#: src/main.c:843 +msgid "Copyright (C) 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:845 +msgid "" +"License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later\n" +".\n" +"This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.\n" +"There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.\n" +msgstr "" + +#. TRANSLATORS: When available, please use the proper diacritics for +#. names such as this one. See en_US.po for reference. +#: src/main.c:852 +msgid "" +"\n" +"Originally written by Hrvoje Niksic .\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:854 +msgid "Currently maintained by Micah Cowan .\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:856 +msgid "Please send bug reports and questions to .\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:906 src/main.c:975 src/main.c:1097 +#, c-format +msgid "Try `%s --help' for more options.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:972 +#, c-format +msgid "%s: illegal option -- `-n%c'\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:1030 +#, c-format +msgid "Can't be verbose and quiet at the same time.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:1036 +#, c-format +msgid "Can't timestamp and not clobber old files at the same time.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:1044 +#, c-format +msgid "Cannot specify both --inet4-only and --inet6-only.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:1054 +msgid "" +"Cannot specify both -k and -O if multiple URLs are given, or in combination\n" +"with -p or -r. See the manual for details.\n" +"\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:1063 +msgid "" +"WARNING: combining -O with -r or -p will mean that all downloaded content\n" +"will be placed in the single file you specified.\n" +"\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:1069 +msgid "" +"WARNING: timestamping does nothing in combination with -O. See the manual\n" +"for details.\n" +"\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:1077 +#, c-format +msgid "File `%s' already there; not retrieving.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:1084 +#, c-format +msgid "Cannot specify both --ask-password and --password.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:1092 +#, c-format +msgid "%s: missing URL\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:1117 +#, c-format +msgid "This version does not have support for IRIs\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:1181 +msgid "" +"WARNING: Can't reopen standard output in binary mode;\n" +" downloaded file may contain inappropriate line endings.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:1316 +#, c-format +msgid "No URLs found in %s.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:1334 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"FINISHED --%s--\n" +"Downloaded: %d files, %s in %s (%s)\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/main.c:1343 +#, c-format +msgid "Download quota of %s EXCEEDED!\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/mswindows.c:99 +#, c-format +msgid "Continuing in background.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/mswindows.c:292 +#, c-format +msgid "Continuing in background, pid %lu.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/mswindows.c:294 src/utils.c:472 +#, c-format +msgid "Output will be written to %s.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/mswindows.c:462 src/mswindows.c:469 +#, c-format +msgid "%s: Couldn't find usable socket driver.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/netrc.c:390 +#, c-format +msgid "%s: %s:%d: warning: %s token appears before any machine name\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/netrc.c:421 +#, c-format +msgid "%s: %s:%d: unknown token \"%s\"\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/netrc.c:485 +#, c-format +msgid "Usage: %s NETRC [HOSTNAME]\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/netrc.c:495 +#, c-format +msgid "%s: cannot stat %s: %s\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/openssl.c:113 +msgid "WARNING: using a weak random seed.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/openssl.c:173 +msgid "Could not seed PRNG; consider using --random-file.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/openssl.c:526 +#, c-format +msgid "%s: cannot verify %s's certificate, issued by %s:\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/openssl.c:535 +msgid " Unable to locally verify the issuer's authority.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/openssl.c:539 +msgid " Self-signed certificate encountered.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/openssl.c:542 +msgid " Issued certificate not yet valid.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/openssl.c:545 +msgid " Issued certificate has expired.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/openssl.c:579 +#, c-format +msgid "%s: certificate common name %s doesn't match requested host name %s.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/openssl.c:610 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"%s: certificate common name is invalid (contains a NUL character).\n" +"This may be an indication that the host is not who it claims to be\n" +"(that is, it is not the real %s).\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/openssl.c:627 +#, c-format +msgid "To connect to %s insecurely, use `--no-check-certificate'.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/progress.c:242 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"\n" +"%*s[ skipping %sK ]" +msgstr "" + +#: src/progress.c:456 +#, c-format +msgid "Invalid dot style specification %s; leaving unchanged.\n" +msgstr "" + +#. TRANSLATORS: "ETA" is English-centric, but this must +#. be short, ideally 3 chars. Abbreviate if necessary. +#: src/progress.c:805 +#, c-format +msgid " eta %s" +msgstr "" + +#: src/progress.c:1050 +msgid " in " +msgstr "" + +#: src/ptimer.c:161 +#, c-format +msgid "Cannot get REALTIME clock frequency: %s\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/recur.c:439 +#, c-format +msgid "Removing %s since it should be rejected.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/res.c:390 +#, c-format +msgid "Cannot open %s: %s" +msgstr "" + +#: src/res.c:549 +msgid "Loading robots.txt; please ignore errors.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/retr.c:667 +#, c-format +msgid "Error parsing proxy URL %s: %s.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/retr.c:677 +#, c-format +msgid "Error in proxy URL %s: Must be HTTP.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/retr.c:775 +#, c-format +msgid "%d redirections exceeded.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/retr.c:1014 +msgid "" +"Giving up.\n" +"\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/retr.c:1014 +msgid "" +"Retrying.\n" +"\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/spider.c:74 +msgid "" +"Found no broken links.\n" +"\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/spider.c:81 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Found %d broken link.\n" +"\n" +msgid_plural "" +"Found %d broken links.\n" +"\n" +msgstr[0] "" +msgstr[1] "" + +#: src/spider.c:91 +#, c-format +msgid "%s\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/url.c:633 +msgid "No error" +msgstr "" + +#: src/url.c:635 +#, c-format +msgid "Unsupported scheme %s" +msgstr "" + +#: src/url.c:637 +msgid "Scheme missing" +msgstr "" + +#: src/url.c:639 +msgid "Invalid host name" +msgstr "" + +#: src/url.c:641 +msgid "Bad port number" +msgstr "" + +#: src/url.c:643 +msgid "Invalid user name" +msgstr "" + +#: src/url.c:645 +msgid "Unterminated IPv6 numeric address" +msgstr "" + +#: src/url.c:647 +msgid "IPv6 addresses not supported" +msgstr "" + +#: src/url.c:649 +msgid "Invalid IPv6 numeric address" +msgstr "" + +#: src/url.c:951 +msgid "HTTPS support not compiled in" +msgstr "" + +#: src/utils.c:108 +#, c-format +msgid "%s: %s: Failed to allocate enough memory; memory exhausted.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/utils.c:114 +#, c-format +msgid "%s: %s: Failed to allocate %ld bytes; memory exhausted.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/utils.c:327 +#, c-format +msgid "%s: aprintf: text buffer is too big (%ld bytes), aborting.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/utils.c:470 +#, c-format +msgid "Continuing in background, pid %d.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: src/utils.c:521 +#, c-format +msgid "Failed to unlink symlink %s: %s\n" +msgstr "" diff --git a/src/ChangeLog b/src/ChangeLog index 854626e9..4283efbc 100644 --- a/src/ChangeLog +++ b/src/ChangeLog @@ -1,5 +1,7 @@ 2009-09-02 Micah Cowan + * gettext.h: Refreshed from gettext 0.17. + * test.c: Added definition of program_name variable, required by lib/error.c (libgnu.a). Doesn't cause problems until you try to build on a non-GNU system... diff --git a/src/gettext.h b/src/gettext.h index 8874d9ba..209921e6 100644 --- a/src/gettext.h +++ b/src/gettext.h @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ Copyright (C) 1995-1998, 2000-2002, 2004-2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it - under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published + under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. - You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ @@ -65,17 +65,22 @@ On pre-ANSI systems without 'const', the config.h file is supposed to contain "#define const". */ # define gettext(Msgid) ((const char *) (Msgid)) -# define dgettext(Domainname, Msgid) ((const char *) (Msgid)) -# define dcgettext(Domainname, Msgid, Category) ((const char *) (Msgid)) +# define dgettext(Domainname, Msgid) ((void) (Domainname), gettext (Msgid)) +# define dcgettext(Domainname, Msgid, Category) \ + ((void) (Category), dgettext (Domainname, Msgid)) # define ngettext(Msgid1, Msgid2, N) \ - ((N) == 1 ? (const char *) (Msgid1) : (const char *) (Msgid2)) + ((N) == 1 \ + ? ((void) (Msgid2), (const char *) (Msgid1)) \ + : ((void) (Msgid1), (const char *) (Msgid2))) # define dngettext(Domainname, Msgid1, Msgid2, N) \ - ((N) == 1 ? (const char *) (Msgid1) : (const char *) (Msgid2)) + ((void) (Domainname), ngettext (Msgid1, Msgid2, N)) # define dcngettext(Domainname, Msgid1, Msgid2, N, Category) \ - ((N) == 1 ? (const char *) (Msgid1) : (const char *) (Msgid2)) + ((void) (Category), dngettext(Domainname, Msgid1, Msgid2, N)) # define textdomain(Domainname) ((const char *) (Domainname)) -# define bindtextdomain(Domainname, Dirname) ((const char *) (Dirname)) -# define bind_textdomain_codeset(Domainname, Codeset) ((const char *) (Codeset)) +# define bindtextdomain(Domainname, Dirname) \ + ((void) (Domainname), (const char *) (Dirname)) +# define bind_textdomain_codeset(Domainname, Codeset) \ + ((void) (Domainname), (const char *) (Codeset)) #endif @@ -165,7 +170,8 @@ npgettext_aux (const char *domain, #include #define _LIBGETTEXT_HAVE_VARIABLE_SIZE_ARRAYS \ - (__GNUC__ >= 3 || __GNUG__ >= 2 /* || __STDC_VERSION__ >= 199901L */ ) + (((__GNUC__ >= 3 || __GNUG__ >= 2) && !__STRICT_ANSI__) \ + /* || __STDC_VERSION__ >= 199901L */ ) #if !_LIBGETTEXT_HAVE_VARIABLE_SIZE_ARRAYS #include -- 2.39.2