-*- text -*- To build Wget with VC++ 5.0 run configure.bat in the wget directory, and then run nmake. If you want to build the help file you will need a copy of makinfo to convert wget.texi to rtf. I've made a copy available at . This copy of makeinfo is from the miktxt 1.10 archive available from ctan. To configure Wget with VC++ with ssl support first get openssl, compile it and install relevant headers and libraries where your compiler can find them; then uncomment the SSL related lines in windows\Makefile.src; then follow the normal instructions (configure.bat and so on). Usually at runtime some openssl libraries (currently ssleay32.dll and libeay32.dll) will need to be available in your environment PATH. Windows contributors: * Darko Budor -- the initial work on the Windows port; * Tim Charron -- additional cleanup and contribution of the Watcom makefile; * John Burden -- cleanup of the VC++ makefile to get a clean build with VC++ 5.0 on Windows 95; * Douglas E. Wegscheid -- maintains configure.bat and various Windows makefiles.