## Compiler, linker, and lib stuff ## Makefile for use with watcom win95/winnt executable. # # Copy this file to the ..\src directory (maybe rename to Makefile). Also: # copy config.h.ms ..\src\config.h # CC=wcc386 /zq LINK=wlink #disabled for faster compiler LFLAGS=sys nt op st=32767 op vers=1.7 op map op q op de 'GNU wget 1.7dev' CFLAGS=/zp4 /d1 /w4 /fpd /5s /fp5 /bm /mf /os /bt=nt /DWINDOWS /DHAVE_CONFIG_H /I=$(%WATCOM)\h;$(%WATCOM)\h\nt;. # /zp4= pack structure members with this alignment # /d1 = line number debug info # /w4 = warning level # /fpd= ??? no such switch ! # /5s = Pentium stack-based calling # /fp5= Pentium floating point # /bm = build multi-threaded # /mf = flat memory model # /os = optimize for size # /bt = "build target" (nt) OBJS = FILE cmpt.obj,connect.obj,cookies.obj,fnmatch.obj,ftp.obj,ftp-basic.obj, & ftp-ls.obj,ftp-opie.obj,getopt.obj,hash.obj,headers.obj,host.obj,html-parse.obj,html-url.obj, & http.obj,init.obj,log.obj,main.obj,md5.obj,netrc.obj,rbuf.obj, & recur.obj,retr.obj,safe-ctype.obj,url.obj,utils.obj,version.obj,mswindows.obj # # NOTE: these two MUST be kept absolutely in sync # alas, no text functions in Watcom make :-( # LINKOBJS = cmpt.obj connect.obj cookies.obj fnmatch.obj ftp.obj ftp-basic.obj & ftp-ls.obj ftp-opie.obj getopt.obj hash.obj headers.obj host.obj html-parse.obj html-url.obj & http.obj init.obj log.obj main.obj md5.obj netrc.obj rbuf.obj & recur.obj retr.obj safe-ctype.obj url.obj utils.obj version.obj mswindows.obj LIBFILES = BINNAME=wget.exe $(BINNAME): $(LINKOBJS) $(LINK) $(LFLAGS) NAME $(BINNAME) $(OBJS) $(LIBPATH) $(LIBFILES) cmpt.obj : cmpt.c wget.h sysdep.h options.h utils.h connect.obj : connect.c wget.h sysdep.h options.h utils.h connect.h host.h cookies.obj : cookies.c wget.h sysdep.h options.h utils.h cookies.h hash.h url.h utils.h fnmatch.obj : fnmatch.c wget.h sysdep.h options.h utils.h fnmatch.h ftp-basic.obj : ftp-basic.c wget.h sysdep.h options.h utils.h utils.h rbuf.h connect.h host.h ftp-ls.obj : ftp-ls.c wget.h sysdep.h options.h utils.h utils.h ftp.h url.h ftp-opie.obj : ftp-opie.c wget.h sysdep.h options.h utils.h md5.h ftp.obj : ftp.c wget.h sysdep.h options.h utils.h utils.h url.h rbuf.h retr.h ftp.h connect.h host.h fnmatch.h netrc.h getopt.obj : getopt.c wget.h sysdep.h options.h utils.h getopt.h hash.obj : hash.c wget.h sysdep.h options.h utils.h utils.h hash.h headers.obj : headers.c wget.h sysdep.h options.h utils.h connect.h rbuf.h headers.h host.obj : host.c wget.h sysdep.h options.h utils.h utils.h host.h url.h hash.h html-parse.obj : html-parse.c wget.h sysdep.h options.h utils.h html-parse.h html-url.obj : html-url.c wget.h sysdep.h options.h utils.h html-parse.h url.h utils.h html.obj : html.c wget.h sysdep.h options.h utils.h url.h utils.h ftp.h http.obj : http.c wget.h sysdep.h options.h utils.h utils.h url.h host.h rbuf.h retr.h headers.h cookies.h connect.h fnmatch.h netrc.h md5.h init.obj : init.c wget.h sysdep.h options.h utils.h utils.h init.h host.h recur.h netrc.h log.obj : log.c wget.h sysdep.h options.h utils.h utils.h main.obj : main.c wget.h sysdep.h options.h utils.h utils.h getopt.h init.h retr.h recur.h host.h cookies.h md5.obj : md5.c wget.h sysdep.h options.h utils.h md5.h mswindows.obj : mswindows.c wget.h sysdep.h options.h utils.h url.h netrc.obj : netrc.c wget.h sysdep.h options.h utils.h utils.h netrc.h init.h rbuf.obj : rbuf.c wget.h sysdep.h options.h utils.h rbuf.h connect.h recur.obj : recur.c wget.h sysdep.h options.h utils.h url.h recur.h utils.h retr.h ftp.h fnmatch.h host.h hash.h retr.obj : retr.c wget.h sysdep.h options.h utils.h utils.h retr.h url.h recur.h ftp.h host.h connect.h hash.h snprintf.obj : snprintf.c safe-ctype.obj : safe-ctype.c safe-ctype.h url.obj : url.c wget.h sysdep.h options.h utils.h utils.h url.h host.h utils.obj : utils.c wget.h sysdep.h options.h utils.h utils.h fnmatch.h hash.h version.obj : version.c .c.obj: $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $[@