# 29 January 2008. SMS. # # MMS or MMK description file for Wget 1.11. # # The default target, EXE, builds the architecture-specific Wget # executable (and the DECC_VER.EXE diagnostic executable). # # Other targets: # # HELP [.VMS]WGET.HLB help library. # # CLEAN deletes architecture-specific files, but leaves any # individual source dependency files and the help library. # # CLEAN_ALL deletes all generated files, except the main (collected) # source dependency file. # # CLEAN_EXE deletes only the architecture-specific executable. # Handy if all you wish to do is re-link the executable. # # Include the source file lists (among other data). INCL_DESCRIP_SRC = 1 .INCLUDE [-.VMS]descrip_src.mms # DECC_VER diagnostic program. DECC_VER_OBJ = [.$(DEST)]DECC_VER.OBJ # Executables. WGET_EXE = [.$(DEST)]WGET.EXE DECC_VER_EXE = [.$(DEST)]DECC_VER.EXE EXE = $(WGET_EXE) $(DECC_VER_EXE) # HELP library and source file. HLB = [-.VMS]WGET.HLB HLP = [-.VMS]WGET.HLP # Link the executables (default target). EXE : $(EXE) @ write sys$output "" @ write sys$output " ""$<"" is ready." @ write sys$output "" $(WGET_EXE) : $(OBJS) $(MAIN_OPT) $(IP_OPT) define /user_mode odir [.$(DEST)] $(LINK) $(LINKFLAGS) $(MAIN_OPT) /options $(IP_LINK_OPT) - $(SSL_LINK_OPT) $(DECC_VER_OBJ) : [-.VMS]DECC_VER.C $(DECC_VER_EXE) : $(DECC_VER_OBJ) $(LINK) $(LINKFLAGS) $(MMS$SOURCE) # Create the HELP library (HELP target). HELP : $(HLB) @ write sys$output "" @ write sys$output " ""$<"" is ready." @ write sys$output "" $(HLB) : $(HLP) LIBRARY /CREATE /HELP $@ $< # CLEAN target. Delete the [.$(DEST)] directory and everything in it. CLEAN : if (f$search( "[.$(DEST)]*.*") .nes. "") then - delete [.$(DEST)]*.*;* if (f$search( "$(DEST).dir") .nes. "") then - set protection = w:d $(DEST).dir;* if (f$search( "$(DEST).dir") .nes. "") then - delete $(DEST).dir;* # CLEAN_ALL target. Delete: # The [.$(DEST)] directories and everything in them. # All help-related derived files, # CONFIG.H. # All individual C dependency files. # Also mention: # Comprehensive dependency file. CLEAN_ALL : if (f$search( "[.ALPHA*]*.*") .nes. "") then - delete [.ALPHA*]*.*;* if (f$search( "ALPHA*.dir", 1) .nes. "") then - set protection = w:d ALPHA*.dir;* if (f$search( "ALPHA*.dir", 2) .nes. "") then - delete ALPHA*.dir;* if (f$search( "[.IA64*]*.*") .nes. "") then - delete [.IA64*]*.*;* if (f$search( "IA64*.dir", 1) .nes. "") then - set protection = w:d IA64*.dir;* if (f$search( "IA64*.dir", 2) .nes. "") then - delete IA64*.dir;* if (f$search( "[.VAX*]*.*") .nes. "") then - delete [.VAX*]*.*;* if (f$search( "VAX*.dir", 1) .nes. "") then - set protection = w:d VAX*.dir;* if (f$search( "VAX*.dir", 2) .nes. "") then - delete VAX*.dir;* if (f$search( "$(CONFIG_H)") .nes. "") then - delete /log /noconfirm $(CONFIG_H);* if (f$search( "$(HLB)") .nes. "") then - delete /log /noconfirm $(HLB);* if (f$search( "*.MMSD") .nes. "") then - delete *.MMSD;* @ write sys$output "" @ write sys$output "Note: This procedure will not" @ write sys$output " DELETE [.VMS]DESCRIP_DEPS.MMS;*" @ write sys$output - "You may choose to, but a recent version of MMS (V3.5 or newer?) is" @ write sys$output - "needed to regenerate it. (It may also be recovered from the original" @ write sys$output - "distribution kit.) See [.VMS]DESCRIP_MKDEPS.MMS for instructions on" @ write sys$output - "generating [.VMS]DESCRIP_DEPS.MMS." @ write sys$output "" # CLEAN_EXE target. Delete the executable in [.$(DEST)]. CLEAN_EXE : if (f$search( "[.$(DEST)]*.exe") .nes. "") then - delete [.$(DEST)]*.exe;* # Include CONFIG.H dependency and rule. INCL_CONFIG_SRC = 1 .INCLUDE [-.VMS]descrip_config.mms # Include generated source dependencies. INCL_DESCRIP_DEPS = 1 .INCLUDE [-.VMS]descrip_deps.mms