Compiling linphone on macos X This procedure works for audio, video still not fully supported. It was tested on macos X (leopard) on september 2009. Requirements: * xcode (for gcc) * macport (GNU porting project) * svn or git checkout'd linphone tree. Steps: * install with the 'port install' command the following dependencies - automake - autoconf - libtool - gettext - intltool - gtk2 - libglade2 - speex-dev - osip2 - eXosip2 * add /opt/local/bin to your PATH by editing (or creating) ~/.profile, logout and login again for changes to take effect * within linphone source directory, run ./ * run ./configure --prefix=/opt/local --disable-video --with-readline=none && make (note: we disable readline for linphonec because it appears to hang at this time) * install to /opt/local sudo make install ********************* Using gtk-osx (jhbuild environnment) After installing jhbuild and get gtk built, $ jhbuild shell $ PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$HOME/gtk/inst/lib/pkgconfig:/opt/local/lib/pkgconfig/ ./configure --disable-video --disable-strict