********************************** * Compiling linphone on macos X * ********************************** You need: - Xcode (download from apple or using appstore application) - Macports: http://www.macports.org/ Download and install macports using its user friendly installer. - Install build time dependencies $ port install automake autoconf libtool intltool - Install some linphone dependencies with macports $ port install speex $ port install libosip2 $ port install libeXosip2 $ port install ffmpeg-devel - Install srtp (optional) for call encryption $ port install srtp If that fails, get from source: $ git clone git://git.linphone.org/srtp.git $ cd srtp && autoconf && ./configure --prefix=/opt/local && make libsrtp.a $ sudo make install - Install gtk. It is recommended to use the quartz backend for better integration. $ port install gtk2 +quartz +no_x11 $ port install ige-mac-integration $ port install hicolor-icon-theme - Compile and install the tunnel If you got the source code from git, run ./autogen.sh first Then or otherwise, do: $ ./configure --prefix=/opt/local && make && sudo make install - Compile linphone If you got the source code from git, run ./autogen.sh first. Then or otherwise, do: $ ./configure --prefix=/opt/local --with-readline=/opt/local --disable-strict --disable-x11 --with-srtp=/opt/local && make Install to /opt/local $ sudo make install Done. If you want to generate a portable bundle, then install gtk-mac-bundler. Use git: $ git clone https://github.com/jralls/gtk-mac-bundler.git $ cd gtk-mac-bundler && make install $ export PATH=$PATH:~/.local/bin #make this dummy charset.alias file for the bundler to be happy: $ sudo touch touch /opt/local/lib/charset.alias Then run, inside linphone source tree: 1. Run configure as told before but with "--enable-relativeprefix" appended. $ make $ make bundle The resulting bundle is located in linphone build directory, together with a zipped version. For a better appearance, you can install the gtk-quartz-engine (a gtk theme) that make gtk application more similar to other mac applications (but not perfect). $ git clone https://github.com/jralls/gtk-quartz-engine.git $ cd gtk-quartz-engine $ autoreconf -i $ ./configure --prefix=/opt/local && make $ sudo make install Generate a new bundle to have it included.