=head1 NAME dccpping - send DCCP Request packets to network hosts =head1 SYNOPSIS B [-v] [-V] [-h] [-n] [-6|-4] [-c I] [-p I] [-i I] [-t I] [-s I] [-S I] I =head1 DESCRIPTION B uses DCCP Request packets to elicit a response from a host or gateway. For each response received, a line of information about the type of response (DCCP packet or ICMP error) and the round trip time are printed. Upon termination, statistics about the loss rate and round trip times are printed. B uses the well-known "half-open technique", which prevents applications on the destination host from seeing our probes at all. Normally, a DCCP Request is sent. For non-listened ports we receive a DCCP Reset, and all is done. For active listening ports we receive DCCP Response, but answer with a DCCP Reset (instead of the expected DCCP Ack), this way the remote DCCP session is closed without the application ever noticing. =head1 OPTIONS =over 5 =item B<-v> Verbose. May be repeated for aditional verbosity. =item B<-V> Version information =item B<-h> Help =item B<-6> Force IPv6 mode =item B<-4> Force IPv4 mode =item B<-n> Numeric output only. No attempt will be made to lookup symbolic names for host addresses. =item B<-c> I Stop after sending I requests. The default is unlimited. =item B<-p> I Send requests to DCCP port I. The default is 33434. =item B<-i> I Wait I seconds between sending requests. The default is 1 second. =item B<-t> I Set the IP Time to Live. The default is 64. =item B<-s> I Set the DCCP service code to use in requests. =item B<-S> I Set source address to specified address. Must be a valid address on some interface. =back =head1 AUTHOR Samuel Jero =head1 SEE ALSO B(8)