05/25/2011: Release 1.4: Improvements: 1)Add double -s option to only show Ack Vectors/SACKS with loss events 05/15/2011: Release 1.3 Improvements: 1)Complete Redesign of Encapsulation system. It now examines each protocol layer and removes encapsulation correctly. If a protocol is not supported, the packet is ignored. As of right now the supported protocols are: +Ethernet +Linux Cooked Capture (SLL) +IPv4 02/01/2011: Release 1.2 Bug Fixes: 1)Sequence number adjustments so that Tcptrace RTT graphing/statistics now work 01/19/2011: Release 1.1 Bug Fixes: 1)Ack Vector computations were using one byte beyond the ack vector. 2)Ack Vector to SACK was using one byte beyond the ack vector. Improvements: 1)All error output now goes to stderr 2)Multiple Debug Levels 3)Moved includes, struct defs, and some functions defs to a header file New Features: 1)Sync and SyncAck packets now have zero data and zero window. This makes them show up more easily in Tcptrace 12/22/2010: Release 1.0 Initial Public Release Features: 1)Converts DCCP to TCP 2)Optional ack vectors to SACKS 3)Optional Window to highest ack Bugs: 1)Supports only a single DCCP connection per capture. 2)Source Port can't equal Destination Port. If the two are equal, this program will get very confused. 3)DCCP MUST use 48 bit sequence numbers. 4)Checksums are not computed (they are zeroed). 5)Only converts those packet types used by the Linux implementation at this date 6)DCCP Ack packets show up as TCP packets containing one byte 7)Very little error checking of packet headers, it's research software afterall